Thursday, August 20, 2009

It goes Beep in the Night!

All of us are afraid of something. Spiders anyone? Monsters? The Dark? Some of these fears are very rational and even help us stay safe; fear of unknown men walking towards you in a dark alley (oh, I want to go read Twilight again now). And some fears... well some are a bit bizzare, irrational. I have a fear. I am afraid of security gates.Yep, those things in airports, at library's, court houses, even at some schools.. afraid of them all. Why do I have this fear? Glad you asked.

I was probably about 9-years-old. I loved books. I loved going to the library and getting a pile of books. I even had my own library card. On one such occasion I had a nice pile of books. I took it up to the librarian. She was on the phone but she took my card and started scanning. Then she passed me my card and books with a smile. I grab my books and headed for the door, on my way out I passed through the security gates, and yep you guessed it, they started beeping. I stood there terrified not knowing what to do. Did I also mention that as I kid I hated getting in trouble, in fact I was probably a bit of a brown noser. So here I am, the gate is beeping and I don't know what to do! The librarian, who finally got off the phone, comes over... turns out she forgot to scan some of the books, opps!

Ever since then, when I walk through a security gate my heart jumps a beat... still to this day, even after walking through a security gate almost weekly when I was a foster care worker for DCFS; oh and did I tell you the gates beeped on me there to.. turns out I had a fork in my work bag (hey I needed something to eat my lunch!) I had to either take it back to my car or throw it away, I opted to throw it out.

So lesson learned, make sure the librarian isn't distracted and never carry a fork in your bag.

What are your fears?


  1. I have a fear of heights. I don't recall having this fear when I was kid though which to me is strange. What's stranger is I don't mind heights when I'm on a roller coaster. Mostly ladders and tall buildings.

  2. My biggest fear is loosing a child, not just in death but I mean loosing one and having them lost. It has only happened once but it was at sea world and it was a LONG 10 minutes.

  3. Being in open water with the possibility of medium to large sized fish trying to bite my feet. People's hairs being anywhere near me or on me, or on my food or anything. I hate loose hairs, especially dark colored ones that are long and wavy. Worst thing ever!

  4. Sharks. Crocodiles, too. In fact, Sharks were a main subject in my dream last night. The THOUGHT of being in the ocean with them causes anxiety. It's bad.

    PS I picked up New Moon last night... Even the 2nd time around it was so hard to put it down!!

  5. Alicia, I am trying to decide if I want to read New Moon again before I go see it.. can't decide if that would be better or worse as the movies are obviously never quite the same.

  6. Hmmm other than the obvious Mom fears..which I have many..I have a fear of dark enclosed spaces. My dear sisters (I love them) used to squish me behind the couch and tickle me till I peed... dark and squished freaks me out. I know is funny but true.
    I left you an award on my blog hon, Sarah

  7. Being pulled over by a cop freaks me out. It has only happened once, but my mom saw the whole thing happen! (In a different car) I have been traumatized ever since :)

  8. Silly librarian! Instilling a lifelong fear in an innocent child!

    And if you really want to know my fears, I conveniently listed them in A to Z format for a recent Writer's Workshop! Here is the link:

    : )

  9. I always was afraid of getting called on to read something out loud in school.

  10. You jinked me I lost me baby today for about 5 minutes he pasts me and I saw the open back door and thought he had gone outside, thank goodness he was drawn to the master bath and the cabinets that he can't open.

    Not a feeling that I ever want to have again. Too bad babies don't call back when you call their name.

  11. I have the mommy fears. I am not fond of heights--tho I like a decent roller coaster ride. But I am claustrophobic. I don't like big crowds or loud gatherings--the family reunion was very HARD for me. It was always noisy. Thank goodness they are a small group. But they are LOUD. Oh and I am a huge germ phobe. If I have knowledge that you are ill, I don't even want you breathing in my general area. Public bathrooms have to be near spotless for me to use them.

  12. I used to get that feeling whenever I saw a cop car...probably because I was always speeding. These days (and several tickets later) I drive slower and am not so scared to see them.

