Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can I Ask?

"It happened again." I have said this many times to Eric when I have returned home. Then I will tell him all about the latest incident which someone said something along the lines of "You don't look old enough to have two kids", "I thought you were in high school", etc.

He will always reply, "you look older than that!"
"But you know me, so of course I look older to you." I will reply.

Some of your comments confirmed just that. It is so hard, once you know someone not to be influenced by what you know about them when guessing their age. On my previous post where I put forth the question of how old I looked, there were many comments like Karen's: "You look very young to me. Since you are a mom, I'm going to guess a little older than I think you look and say about 24."

It really is hard once you know someone to say how old they look.

Here is my most recent age fiasco.

I am in the ward choir at church. We share our building with two other wards so choir practice starts right after the last ward ends. I got to church a little early and was sitting on the couch waiting. A boy, probably about 14, was sitting on the other end of the couch. His father came and sat by him and was talking with him. Something was said during the conversation and I gave a wise and understanding smile. It was at this point that the father asked:
"Can I ask, how old are you?"
"I am going to be ?? in a couple of weeks" I replied.
"REALLY! Are you serious?!? I would have thought you were a Beehive."

For anyone that does not know, in our church, girls ages 12-18 are in the Young Women's organization and within that there are classes for the different age groups. The Beehives are the 12 & 13- year-olds.

Okay, now I know I do not look 13. But I have also come to terms with the fact that I look a lot younger than I am. On my poll the 25-28 category received the most votes. And well... that is incorrect.

So how old am I? On Sunday I entered the last year of my 20's.. yep the I am now 29. Everyone always says, be happy you look so young. But when people are regularly thinking I should be in high school still..... well maybe I'll find that happiness in another ten years.
I got all 29 candles out!


  1. well I would have never thought you to be a beehive. I was one who guessed 25-28
    I thought you were 27 or 28 I did good but then again I always tent to guess low as not to hurt the persons feelings..
    I don't think it was fair to us to post a picture with your mother in law either, just makes you look younger!! lol

    And i don't comment much so let me tell you the last few posts have been great I loved the Rules one well 2 in fact the one for the game and the one for your boy!! classic!

  2. Amazing. You will always look so much younger than you are. I have people who guess about 5 years younger for me and that makes me so happy because I don't feel like I look young anymore. It always makes me laugh when people guess so far off though. And by the way, you are absolutely beautiful.

  3. Hey I was only a year off. That's pretty good. Someone told me I looked like I was still in college the other night. I graduated 10 years ago.

    It made my day and even that night.

    Hang on to the young. Happy Birthday.

  4. Ok I for sure wouldn't have thought you were a Beehive! But just think when you are old you will look young and the rest of us will look old. I get the opposite with people thinking I"m older. Totally not cool.

  5. I think in most cases it would be very nice to look younger than you are, like you do.

    (My YW sec. is also 29 and looks like a teenager--she didn't want to chaperone the stake dance w/o her husband b/c she didn't want the YM to ask her to dance . . . and then she said if they didn't, she'd be thinking, 'hey, why not??' I laughed so hard at that.)

  6. no way!!! crazy how taking care of yourself can keep you younger;-) i still feel 20 or 17, whichever. have to think about it when i say i'm 26. 27 in dec;-)

  7. Happy Birthday!! So the big 29...be glad you look younger such a complement. Maybe it is your kids that keep you young. LOL I think mine have given me my grey hair.

  8. Enjoy it... I am now 43 and love the fact I don't look it!

    Once when I was 30 I got carded to by cigarettes! (I no longer smoke BTW).

  9. No one ever thinks I am as old as I am. I love it now, but hated it when I was in my 20's. My husband is 10 years older than me and everyone thinks he seriously robbed the cradle. This coming summer is my 20 year high school reunion. GULP! I've been out of school longer than I was in it. Holy cow, that makes me sound old.

  10. Oh my!!! Consider yourself super lucky to look so young! So many woman now want to look like they're 30 when they are 15. You're the reverse!!

  11. This is a curse in my family too. My mom still looks 30. My little sister has the hardest time and the most adventurous stories. Almost her entire blog is about her experiences looking too young: http://yoambular.blogspot.com/.

  12. My mom and grandmother always got that too, I used to, but recently, I think I am starting to look closer to my real age. I actually kind of like it. You know there are a lot of women reading this who probably are envying your luck.

  13. Yes, I do know you. And I also knew the truth. But I wouldn't place you among Kristin and extras. Even the quietest Beehive girl is giggly and so middle school! It's also a matter of clean living.

  14. Enjoy year 29. I just turned 30 and I'm still not accepting it. You don't look 29 but you don't look like a Beehive either. In some ways, it would be flattering but would def. get old (no pun intended) after a while.

    BTW, thanks for visiting me and commenting!

  15. You definitely don't look like a beehive. Talk to Raelynn about this one, as I'm sure you know, people always would ask which of us is older. It didn't exactly make her day since I'm six years younger. :) She'll be laughing when I look like an old maid at 45. :)

  16. Yay for 29! What a great year. Enjoy it :)

  17. Enjoy!!! I get comments about how much younger I look than my husband, but we're only 3 years apart. I laugh and remind him how good he has it. ; )

  18. What fun blog...are you a teacher?? I just love it here...
    sandy toe

  19. You do look very young ... but not 13!!!! That is nuts! Appreciate it now (I'm sure it can be annoying) becuase I'm sure you'll love it later. I used to look younger than I am too and always hated it ... until I got to my 30s! : )

    Happy Birthday!

  20. Okay, you do NOT look like you are 12 years old. That said, I never would have guessed 29. If it makes you feel any better I get "you don't look old enough to have 4 kids" ALL. THE. TIME.

  21. Ooops I meant to add :
    Happy Belated birthday!
    I turned 30 plus 1 in October too. (Oct 2nd)

  22. I feel you. I know it is so annoying. I'm 31 yrs old and people still think I look in my low 20's. I say embrace it while you can. If people ask my age I tell them I am 25. I'm forever 25.

  23. I've been in your shoes sweet friend and trust me ~ there will be a day you'll cherish people thinking you're so young. Hold on tight to it. You'll be shopping for eye cream before you know it. LOL!

  24. This happens to me too - not exactly high school, but younger than I am. (Funny enough, no one said this on my birthday post...).

    Happy Belated Birthday, Emmy!

  25. That is awesome! Looking young is a good thing, trust me!

    I like your blog. Thank you for stopping by mine!!

