Thursday, November 19, 2009

A peak in the Past

This week one of Mama's Kat's writing prompts was to share a diary entry from when you were 13. And well I dug out the old book (tried my best to read my horrible hand-writing) and will now share some various parts of entries with you (gulp!)

-September 18, 1993 (I was technically still 12 almost 13 now)
"Today was another normal day of school and having to do the papers. [I had a paper route] Today we started soccer in gym, we had to dribble a ball around cones it was so boring! Today is Monday. I didn't want to go to school. Jenny wasn't at the bus stop so I was the only one. Today in social studies I know I got at least one wrong and we were supposed to give 3 answers and I could only remember 2! I think I might have more wrong too. I hope not because I care about my grades." [yeah I was one of those kids]

January 4, 1994
"Dear Diary,
I'm so sorry for not writing much. A very good thing happened. I wrote to Jill about our friendship falling apart and now were Best Friends Forever again! I do miss Aaron but not as much as I said in my last entry [my brother Aaron was serving a two-year LDS mission in the Philippines] Today is the last day of Christmas break, I am very sad. Wendy is engaged! [my older sister]....... Thursday we had a stake activity we went swimming at a high school me and Amy A. basically hung around for a while. Amy and Johanna seemed to be better friends but now Amy and I are really good friends......"

Jan 16, 1994
....."P.P.S My best friends from church are #1 Amy A., a HIGH second Johanna, tied for third Rosalie and Emily-this new girl that moved in. I kind of like David B. I still like Andy O. I kind of like Justin B. and Willy G."
Wow--that was quite the trip. Did you write your list of best friends and boys you liked? I found similar lists at the end of many many of my entries. This has been a fun little trip down memory lane and what can I say, except I am really glad I am not 13 anymore!

I am pretty sure I was 14 in this picture.. but close enough :)
(I thought I was hot stuff in my too tight angel shirt layered with my flannel)


  1. 13 is such an awkward age. We still are kids but want to be more grown up. I think it's great that you still have your diary and can look back on those years!

  2. A diary is something I still wish I would have done. But my memories are still oh so fresh. LOL!! Sometimes I wish I could forget... ;)

  3. My diary was a list of people that I liked and a list of people who I thought hated me. What an awkward age!

  4. Yeah. Fun stuff. I don't where my diary has moved to since we moved. This is the one I would have picked. And I have no more creativenness after I write in my novel.

    Thanks for sharing! Good job. did you get the part?

  5. That is so AWESOME! I loved it. Unfortunately I wasn't a very good journal keeper back in the might be fun to see what I thought back then!

  6. oh how i remember the layered flannel...and the mosimo and no fear shirts underneath. sigh.

  7. That sounds just like mine at that age!

  8. wow! I totally carried that chair you were sitting on all by myself from the second floor down to your garage. would you feel sad if I told you that your dad is getting rid of it and putting it on craigslist for free?
    have a nice day!

  9. That is too funny! I just saw that plaid flannel shirt on a Gap ad this morning. It's back in, but I just don't know if I could pull off the lumberjack look now. I had a few in my closet at 13 also.

  10. Flannel is waaaay hot! That sounded very similar to one of my entires at that age. i think almost every other page I was in love with a new boy! I would never be 13 again if you paid me! That is for sure!

  11. Lol! That was great Em. I love how you made up with your friend and were now friends FOREVER. You sound just like the Mia Maids I teach!

  12. I liked Justin B. and Willy G., too. Then again, I liked just about every boy back then. :)

  13. Thirteen is a tough age of course I have 17, 15, and 12 year old girls so I can relate.

  14. These entries were so cute. I remember listing my friends by order of importance to me. Mine was mental tho. Maybe I was afraid someone would find it if I wrote it down.

  15. You don't look any older today than you did at 14 but aren't you so glad that you are over 10 years wiser?

