Monday, October 11, 2010

Lucas and Too Much Birthday

Have you ever read the Bernstein Bears Too Much Birthday? Well that might have been a bit how our weekend was except I didn't plan a really over the top fancy party, in fact it was pretty low key, but there was the meltdown like in the story.

Friday was Lucas' actual birthday. Eric was able to come home for a lunch break which made Lucas day as he didn't have to wait all the way until dinner to open his presents.

For dinner we went to Chuck E Cheese of course, as per Lucas request. Did you know that there is a coupon for it about every three weeks on the back of the Sunday coupons. And for less than $40 you get a large pizza, chicken wings, 4 drinks and 100 tokens. Lets just say this wasn't the first time we went to chuck E cheese.

Saturday morning was the beginning of the demise. Eric is nearing the end of his current work project i.e. he is working 60+ hours during the week PLUS working half a day on Saturday. Yeah it sucks, for all of us. And this last Saturday, I had Lucas' friend birthday party to get ready for. This was Lucas first friend party ever. As you may or may not know, depending on how long you have been following my blog, Lucas as truly wonderful as he is is also really really hard to deal with sometimes as he feels everything and expresses it ten fold. When he was about three we had to leave a ward talent show as the clapping was just too much for him. He is the one that will spend an entire party jumping on a trampoline by himself as the crowds and everything going on are too much for his mind that does not shut off. This and many other factors led me to ask his pediatrician about sensory integration disorder at his 3 year checkup. At the time we were told, yes there is definitely something a bit off but let's wait to see if he out grows it, which a lot of it he did...but sometimes it is just too much.

So yesterday morning as I am scrambling to decorate the cake, get the house and yard all ready and dealt with three kids, it near set me over the top when Lucas lost it. Crying and sobbing over nothing and everything. It is really hard to see this especially when it is your son. I know it probably sounds sexist but boys just shouldn't cry like that.
After dealing with it on and off all morning, I finally wised up and took the time to sit down and talk with him about how he was feeling and telling him exactly what would be happening at the party.

Calm seemed to be restored. Eric made it home an hour before the party and Lourie (CA Girl) came early to help set up. The guests arrived and we started to play games...which Lucas had trouble with and proceeded to melt down...again. So Eric talked with him while I kept the game going...hey at least the guests were having fun.

Luckily this is where the sad stuff ends as Lucas was able to settle down and did great the rest of the party. I have decided that with the around six crowd entertainment is better than games. The kids LOVED when Eric used Lucas' balloon launcher (a gift from Mimi and Poppi) and rocketed balloons 100 ft into the air. They just chased them and could have done that the whole party.

Though they liked the pinnate too.

And in the end, despite the tears the party was a success.
Don't forget tomorrow is the Monthly Status Quote Meme!

Copy those funny facebook and Twitter updates, put them in a quick post and link up here or with CA Girl! Should be fun!


  1. One of my boys is really intense too. Dynomite. It has gotten easier as he has gotten older, but the dietary changes we made made the most difference. He is incredibly successful now, in all advanced classes and starring in the school play and starting on the football team. It seems so weird now to think about how high maintenance he was as a baby and toddler.

  2. The excitement of birthday parties can be a lot, can't they? The cake you made turned out very cute! We stopped playing games at our kids' birthday parties too. The winner was happy, while some (my kids) cried because they didn't win. We started playing music that the kids can dance too - like A Tootie Tat.

  3. It can be a lot of excitement.

    My middle son spends a lot of time with his hands over his ears in busy situations, though he's getting better.

    I've been watching a train wreck on facebook, with a girl gone crazy with the demise of her marriage...but then I thought nah, that would be too rude to post all her statuses.

  4. Sometimes being the center of attention can be hard and confusing and just get to a person.

    I am glad it all turned out well in the end.

  5. Parties are stressful for everyone. I'm glad he ended up having a good time with his friends! Great cake!

  6. I learned to use my oldest as sort of a barometer of when I was doing too much extra stuff. Parties and activities can be overwhelming. I know when I would sit down and give Jacob time to talk things through and cuddle and talk some more, he did much better. Although lots of times I wish he would just "get over it" We get children to make us better mom's. You did the right thing giving him some extra love and attention.

  7. I'm so glad the party was a success! And that balloon launcher sounds awesome...where'd they get it?

  8. You know people have always told me how much easier boys are compared to girls. Well I am still waiting for that. Ryan has been a very challenging child and continues to be.

    I think Lucas, once he was settled, did totally awesome. He was having a lot of fun and it was great to see him in the moment.

    The trick is how to entertain at Ryan's party. LOL.

  9. I'm sure for you, it was totally frustrating. You're thinking, "We're doing all of this for you and all you're doing is freaking out." I've been there. My kids act the same way and it's beyond frustrating.

    I'm glad things got better and everyone was able to enjoy the party.

  10. Stresses always seem to run high before a fun event. I guess it's everyone's anticipation and expectations. I'm so glad it turned out well. I still can't believe he's really 6.

    And I'm sorry Eric has to work so much, sorry for all of you! xoxo

  11. I think small kids just get way overwhelmed with emotions around their birthdays. They're so excited and stuff and it's just too much!

  12. How hard it must be to have so much fun! :) It does sound wonderful though. I am glad that he was able to calm down a bit to enjoy everything. Also, what an adorable cake! Very realistic, and I am slightly jealous of your abilities. Wanna come make a spiderman cake for me this weekend? :)

  13. Nah, not sexist at all. I tell my boys to man up and quit being a sissy all the time. Maybe I am sexist? I would never tell one of my first graders to do that though.

    Anyway, cool cake and a happy birthday to your boy!

  14. I'm glad it all worked out in the end. I can see why he had a slight meltdown from all the excitement.

  15. We had this problem at my little one's birthday party too. He had a breakdown in the middle of it because he wasn't winning any of the games. I think I'll focus more on non-competitive stuff next year ... I learned the hard way. It can get to be too much ... and you feel so bad that they don't have the "perfect" day.

    Great job on the cake!

  16. Well, it's nice that you know how to deal with it and adjust. You are an understanding mom and at least you knew how to adapt and still make it enjoyable for him and his guests.

  17. Lula Mae gets overwhelmed too. I don't think it is to the caliber that Lucas does, but still it can be tough to deal with. It is so good that you take the time to sit down with him and let him vent. It is something every parent should do, not just ones with sensitive children. I am glad the party was an overall success! I am sure he had a great time :-)

  18. It sounds like you dealt with *everything* as wonderfully as you possibly could - and the best part, he had a great birthday, full of great memories.

    Happy belated birthday to your little (big) guy.

  19. It sounds like he enjoyed the party and everything you did to make it a special day for him. The cake is awesome!

  20. Glad he enjoyed himself in the end!

  21. Aw, poor Lucas. My Bailey has a touch of sensory integration too.
    I'm glad he was able to to enjoy his party! The cake is amazing!!

  22. Happy belated birthday, Lucas! Great job on the cake. Walmart does my baking!

  23. 60hr a week and half Saturday is normal for us. Blah

