Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Hard Is It to Push a Button?

I am lucky enough to be able to be a stay-at-home mom. And as such, there are certain things around the house that I am expected to do; like the laundry. But well, I've blogged a couple times about how successful I am at that.

Also, Eric really appreciates it if he can get into the house without tripping over a lot of clutter, backpacks and toys. I couldn't even begin to count the number of days I am running around like a mad woman ten minutes before he gets home trying to make it look halfway decent.

And then there is his razor. Eric has one of those nifty electric razors that has a base that you put it in to clean the razor. To clean the razor all you have to do is push a button. He likes to clean his razor every other day. The trouble is, when you clean the razor it is rather noisy. So rather than wake us all up with the obnoxious buzzing, he has asked me to clean it for him.

Easy-peasy! I can push a button.

Monday morning rolls around. My alarm-i.e. the kids, wake me up. I head into the bathroom to well use it, and get my contacts in. It usually is a good thing to be able to see when driving the kids to school. I get dressed, put on some quick makeup and off we go.... and I forgot to push the button. This doesn't happen just once... but many many days.

So Eric decides to have mercy on me and he lays a piece of toilet paper on top of the razors on the days it needs to be cleaned; kind of like tying a string around your finger.
So my alarms go off, I do my business and oh, I see the toilet paper. I push the button. I am so awesome! Look at me go!

But then something interesting begins to occur. One evening as we are getting ready for bed Eric says-"you forgot to clean my razor."
"Oh shoot, you must have forgot to put on toilet paper to remind me."
"No, I did."
"You did?" I fully believe him but have no recollection of this.

The next cleaning day rolls around. I stumble out of bed, I need to blow my nose. Ah toilet paper, right there on his razor. I grab the toilet paper, utilize it, throw it in the trash and then am on my marry way. The evening rolls around.
"You forgot to clean my razor"

I gasp. It all comes back to me. I had seen the toilet paper, I used the toilet paper, but I never pushed the button.

We have a good laugh over this.

But well just like a good joke that when told too many times isn't funny anymore... me using the toilet paper without pushing the button, isn't quite as funny anymore. As yes, I have done this many many times.

Good thing I can cook a good meal.


  1. I've been known to be the exact same way. You have no stake in it, so it doesn't *really* matter to you if it's clean or least that's how it is in my case!

  2. LOL, that sounds like something I would totally do!

  3. I think he should push the button, then when the noise gets to you, you'll decide you WANT to push the button. Fortunately for me, my husband had a beard . . .

  4. I would so do that. I do stuff that I just have to laugh at. It's called being a mom. And when you are mom to more than one...well...what was I saying? :P

  5. LOL!

    Cute story and cooking a good meal helps men forgive all. :)

  6. Just make him push the button. Then you don't have to worry about it. :)

  7. HAHAHAHA!!! Thas totally sounds like something I would do!

  8. Funny. I forgot to make TOdd's lunch Sunday night for Monday. I always feel bad when I forget stuff like that. Couldn't you make a reminder thing on your ipad? :)

  9. It's always the easiest stuff that I forget to do too. You're so not alone.

  10. Thanks for stopping by. I can totally relate to this post--ai yi yi! BTW, my book is a sequel . . you might want to see if you can find the first one in a libary or a used one on Amazon and read that first (either way I'm thrilled!) It's called Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind. Have a lovely day!

  11. My husband has the exact same razor and we've had the exact same issue. We finally just got over the noise and he pushes it in the morning himself!

  12. This was a great post, Emmy :) And I cracked up at the toilet paper attempt! Now that's patience and love ;)

  13. Hahaha! I get up before everyone else, so I'm the one who can't make any noise. I used to grind coffee beans, but it always would stir the like 6 AM! So now I buy ground coffee instead.

    BTW, my hubby uses a manual razor...just a thought!

  14. Well, at LEAST you can cook!

    That's funny. I have seen those, but haven't ever heard one being cleaned. It must be obnoxious.

  15. I'm impressed that you would even do it! I'm s poo head and would be like, you can take care of your own razor...

  16. A good meal makes a man forget a whole lot of things. Thank Goodness.

  17. :) How does he expect you to remember that as well? I mean on top of cleaning the house, playing with the kids, cooking dinner and looking hot how are you supposed to push a button? Sheesh! These husbands just demand too much. :)

  18. Yep that would totally be me. HA!

  19. that's happened to me once when my mom told me to clean my room. i'm in my room, playing around just like normal people do....And then I'm all, "Darnit! I forgot to clean my room." yes I do know how it feels like.

  20. Hee Hee! I would totally do that if my husband had an electric razor! I also clean up 10 minutes before he gets home!! LOL

