Friday, November 4, 2011

The Ode to Homework

Did I ever tell you how much I like Fridays? No? Well I LOVE Fridays. Not only is there still school on Fridays (so free-ish time for Mama), but there is also NO homework. And on Friday's-well we always go out to eat. Plus Friday's are the beginning of the weekend. So I love Fridays.

Especially the no homework part.

This week, Lucas has gotten out early every single day- thanks to parent teacher conferences. That has meant extra time- so homework wasn't crunched in there with everything else. This resulted in a nice calm homework week. Until yesterday.

Tears, yelling, bribes, threats, whining, complaining, ignoring, throwing, and finally slowly complying all occurred in some order and at some point during homework time.

And sometime during this whole process, I wrote a poem. And so with no further adieu-

My Ode To Homework

Do your homework! Do your homework!

I seem to always beg and plead.

Why do you whine, why do you cry?

You make me crazy-my little guy!

I hate homework yes I do

I might just hate it MORE than you.

For homework brings the monster out

It often makes us both scream and shout

So to all the homework that you have to do,

We really really really hate you!

But hate it or not-it still has to be done

So guess what, time for you to get over it my son.How homework makes me feel some days

So glad it's Friday!


  1. Hahaha I love it!! I've heard teachers are really giving too much homework these days. Especially considering how many families have two working parents. I hope it gets better!

  2. Oh dear...I do remember those days...your poem was great, however!

  3. I'm so with you on the homework thing. My son started to hide it and it was great while it lasted--until we got busted for not doing any. Sigh. It was great while it lasted.

  4. Hahaha! I'm amazed by the amount of homework given out these days to little kids. I don't even remember having homework until at least the 6th grade and I went to a pretty good school!

  5. Hello, new to your blog! Coming from MMWB. Nice to 'meet' you on this great friday :)

  6. That's hilarious! And makes me grateful I'm no longer in school!

  7. AMEN!!! Haha. Love the poem, the pic and can totally relate. Emily is finally working on her own. It's a relief. YAY for Fridays!

  8. Oh how I dread the day when I have to explain that we are not going to watch tv all night long but do homework instead... that's gonna be a fun one! You poor thing!

  9. Hahaha! I love the poem and photo! Oh, I feel the same. It's often a battle at our house.

  10. I seriously dread the day I have to deal with homework...I have a feeling my face will look the same as your photo! Have a great weekend!

  11. Ethan's homework so far has been small and easy and not even every week, so no biggy for us. I am sure we'll have our days like this though . . . next year. . .

  12. We're lucky in that Buddy only gives us a little bit of trouble when it comes to homework. Last year, he loved it. We'd get an entire packet to do each day of the week, and he'd do it all in one day. I know that someday soon, this will change, so for now, I feel VERY lucky.

  13. You're making me laugh! Sorry for the homework trials over there, but glad you got a little venting done!

  14. LOVE that picture! I too hate homework. Mine are pretty good about getting it done, but the process of doing it just stinks.

  15. Oh yes, we hate homework too and Elly is only in 2nd grade! Pure torture! :)

  16. GREAT poem!!! I'm still laughing!!! That was AWESOME and I'm in total agreement with you which makes me HAPPY I'm no longer in that stage of life!

    You are a funny girl!

  17. The poem is fantastic but the face says it all!

  18. LOL:) Lovely poem! I remember my mom always yelling at us to do our homework... I am NOT looking forward to it...

  19. OMG! I absolutely LOVE that poem! I feel the exact same way about homework and we have similar meltdowns when it is time to get it done. Makes me insane!

  20. that's THE most hilarious face!

    enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  21. Oh yes I know the feeling. Some days it's easy for my daughter to do her homework and other days we battle over it.

  22. That was awesome, Emmy!! I HATE homework too. It just seems senseless to make these little kids do homework every day.
    P.S. My son still has homework over the weekend.

  23. All the best art is created in a fit of passion -- and this little poem of yours is a classic! :)

    I despise homework. I swear I had put that stuff behind me, years ago. And it gets worse -- my two oldest have now surpassed my own mathematical abilities. So now I have to fight them to do their homework, and then I have no idea if they're even doing it right :)

    Great to see you're still out here blogging Emmy, it's been a while.

  24. Hilarious! H actually does great getting homework done, it just takes him a long time. I'm sure W will have a big problem though.

    Cute poem!

  25. I hear ya!!

    We have homework on Tue and Thurs, but often my son comes home with work that didn't get finished.

    Drives me crazy!

