Thursday, January 12, 2012

Proud Mommy Moments: Reading

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It's Thursday! Which this week for us is like Friday as the kids have no school tomorrow- yes they just went back and already have a four day weekend! Anyway, focus Emily, Proud Mommy Moments is a weekly meme hosted by Kmama and myself. It is your chance to brag about your kids, tell us the things they did and/or tell us about those things that make you so so "proud"-i.e. totally embarrassed- but hey at least it makes for good blogging material. Grab the button, link up and play along.

This week's proud mommy moment goes all the way back to Christmas- well before Christmas. One evening Eric took all three kids out shopping-yes he deserves some kind of medal for that. They were going to buy me and present.

They got home wrapped the presents and Lucas was writing on the present who it was for.

"To Mom, From Lucas and Ryder" it read. Ryder chased after Lucas as he carried it to put it under the tree.

Ryder sat right down by it, "O" he said pointing the letter o in Mom. He then pointed to each letter in mom and then said "Mom"

I was floored! This from a kid who hardly speaks at all.
I was very proud.

Link up! It's fun.


  1. That is amazing, and awesome, and all other kinds of good things. Way to go Ryder!!

  2. Awww I bet you heart just melted! So sweet!

  3. This is one of my FAVORITE stages of all. Hyrum is in this same place--brought his first book home from school yesterday. I'm gonna have to blog about it tomorrow. I'll link up then. Don't you wish you could go back to that place where you learned to read? It must be the most exciting feeling.

  4. I agree, he is the best age right now!!! So so cute and very impressive!!

  5. How awesome! I love the picture too?

  6. That's amazing! It's especially sweet that the word was "mom". :)

  7. Very impressive! I absolutely love those moments when our kids shock us with all they've absorbed.
    Way to go Ryder!

  8. That is SUPER AWESOME. WoW! I remember how excited I was when Punky started sounding out words (though it feels like forever ago now).

    So cool.

    I was just thinking about joining in on Proud Mommy Moments yesterday. I have a bunch I'd like to share. Maybe next week...

  9. AW, I love moments like that-- amazing how fast they grow up and I'm very proud of Eric for getting out and braving the shopping world.

    I wish I had a 4 day weekend.... jealous.

  10. That's definitely a proud moment! WTG on the reading, buddy!

  11. What?! That is crazy. I feel like I should be letting my daughter watch more Seasame Street (wink).

    I'm teasing.

    But seriously, that's amazing.

  12. Wow! I would have burst into tears! He's probably one of those kids who is taking everything in and when he talks will talk in complete sentences from the get go!

  13. Wow...there's a lot brewing inside his brain! Good job little buddy!

  14. NO WAY! That's fantastic!!

  15. I love it! Deaglan is pointing out letters all the time on signs and books and it thrills me to no end!

  16. max has really been starting to talk lately and it catches me off guard to hear her little voice, i'm loving it!!! that pic by the tree is def a framer:)

  17. I love those moments!

