Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Just Want to Get Dressed: A Mother's Dilemma

"I just want to get dressed!" I hollered.  

Oh the little things, the things that used to be so easy to do.  The things you could do without even thinking about it, once you are a mother suddenly become seemingly impossible.

We were enjoying our day off, thank you Labor Day.  Lucas wanted to watch a Nascar Race on TV- he is obsessed with all things that go and hey a race that begins with a prayer is good in my book.  Eric was off playing basketball with some friends, so I agreed.

I turned to the right channel and said, okay I am going to go upstairs to get dressed.   I made it about halfway up the stairs when Lucas started crying "No!!"

I sighed and turned around.  "What is wrong?" I asked.

The sound on the TV was going in an out- simply pausing the show then restarting solved this problem.

"Okay, I am going to go get dressed." I state again.

I head into my bathroom.  I pick out some clothes and go to put my contacts in, all is quiet downstairs.  I pick out my clothes and take off my pajamas.

"Get off of me, get out of my way." I hear Lucas yelling.  Being the all-wise mother I know exactly what is going on.  Alex is probably laying on or next to Lucas purposely getting in his way.  I head over to the edge of the stairs in only my underwear and call down for Alex to get away from her brother.  "Come on, I am just trying to get dressed." I plead.

Things are now quiet, so I head back to my room.  I get my first contact in, having to open a new left contact after my brand new contact accidentally disappeared down the drain the night before; talk about flushing money down the drain.

Alex comes running into my bathroom.  "Lucas bit me!" she says showing me the bite marks in her finger.

"What!!!" I fume.  But then it hit me, I hadn't heard any screaming.  Any fighting.

"Why did he bite you I ask?  Did you put your finger in his face?"  The look on her face says it all.  But biting is still biting, never ever okay.

I throw my pajamas back on, one contact in, hurry and stick the other in , and head downstairs to investigate. 
"She told me to bite her!" Lucas cries "And she said it didn't hurt"  I turn to look at Alex and her face once again gives her away.  I dish out the appropriate punishments for both and then stay downstairs for a few minutes, still in my pajamas, making sure all is calm.  

Everyone seems settled so I head back up.  I take my pajamas back off and then the screaming starts again.  

I once again head to the rail and call down, this time banning Alex from the family room.  She does not want to watch the race she just wants to bother her brother.  I hear her sit down at the kitchen table with her coloring book and once again head back to my bedroom.

"I just want to get dressed!" I holler.

Oh being a mom, where even getting dressed is nearly impossible.

Linking with Shell's PYHO


  1. You would think that something so simple would be easy to accomplish, but noooooooooooooo.

  2. It is hard to get the simplest things done. My kids are ok until I leave the room then the screaming begins.

  3. That's when I usually blow up. I think you handled that marvelously!

  4. Sounds like you need to wear ear plugs when you get dressed! lol! I totally know the feeling. They always need you or fight when you're doing to bathroom or on the phone too!

  5. I'm sorry, I giggled. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. I think I'd have given up and stayed in my PJ's :)

  6. True dat. My sister in law takes LITERALLY THREE HOURS to get ready in the morning. It's kind of amazing...she is impeccably at least half an hour late for church or anything else. She was raised by a mom who is OBSESSED With looks and how she and her kids look. I mean my SIL will fry her hair by straightening the same piece over and over and over again even though it looked great the first time...I worry for her when she has kids...I'm not sure if she can shorten her getting ready time or if the kids are going to tear each other apart for three house while she gets ready haha ;-)

  7. One time I heard banging, only to find mine had pushed the clothes back and were using the hanging bar in the closet to fly out into the middle of their room.

  8. This could be my house most days! And not only with getting dressed, but anything else I might want to do - get upstairs cleaned, make dinner, make lunch.... kids just know the most inopportune time to get into it with one another!

  9. the adventures of being a mom and they wonder why there are times we lock our self in the bathroom

  10. Oh geez!! Been there done that.

  11. And to think I stress myself out over what to wear. At least I can dress in peace. :o) I will remember this next time I'm standing in front of my closet about to complain about the lack of cute clothes...

  12. I totally hear you! With kids around getting dress is down right impossible.

  13. Yes, yes it is! I'm sure I will learn more about this once my two get older!

  14. Hahaha!!!! Yes!! And might I add "I just want to use the bathroom"

  15. When I read these posts I draw great comfort in the fact I am not alone! I think everyday all mamas spend moments in just their underwear desperately trying to get a handle on a situation ;) Where is the fairness in that???!!!!!!

  16. So sorry about the contact lens. That stinks! And I won't name any names but I know a young mother who just might claim to know exactly what you are talking about here. But in all honesty she has no clue. ;)

  17. Aww! Some days are rough like that!

  18. Oh I remember those days all too well! Then again, I also THINK I can remember going to the bathroom by myself so I might be crazy! :)

  19. There are some days it is not even worth it! Ha!

    Most of the time I just let the three of mine fight it out. If someone got really hurt or it was really serious I know they would let me know. I figure I am helping them work out their interpersonal problem sovling skills for when they get jobs!

  20. LOL I'm not laughing at you...I'm laughing with you. even though you don't think its funny. This happens to me when my husband is home too. Smh sounds like my daughter when she puts her finger in the puppy's mouth and screams when he bites down.

  21. I chuckled - with you, not at you - like the reader above! :)

    And how tough was it without even having Ryder in the mix to keep you from getting dressed all in one shot?

    (If it were me, I would have somehow tripped while only having one contact lens in... neccessitating treatment for some bizarre injury while I still was only half-dressed. I think you rocked handling all that! :)

  22. lol, I often think getting dressed is over rated. Especially on holidays. There are the occasional days that we don't have to go do any errands, or school, or anything. If I get dressed on those days, they inevitably ask "Where are we going?!?" The look they give me when I say "I just wanted to get dressed" is laced with doubt and suspicion.

  23. I have days like that at my house... sometimes I would just rather go to the bathroom alone and just wear my jammies all day.

  24. I feel your frustration. Does it make me a HORRIBLE mom, If I tell you that half the time I ignore there fighting and crying? I figure I'm teaching them a valuable life lesson: Mommy won't always be there to referee, so figure it out on your own kids! (or at least until I put my bra on)

  25. This is making me glad I only have one kid! I can't believe she set up her brother like that!!!!!

  26. Like I just said in my last comment...the fighting drives me insane!!! Sometimes I just ignore them and let them beat the crap out of each other...which is so wrong, I know.

  27. It is the simple things that are the hardest to do. I also find myself saying "I just want to go to the bathroom" a lot.

  28. I only have one kid but I still feel your pain! There were days where I couldn't remember if I'd even showered!

  29. Hahaha! The sad thing, I was like Alex when I was a kid. I would purposely bother my older brother because it was s fun to make him yell. I don't know what it was, but talk about fun! And now, as a parent, I see that happen all the time. Funny how just getting dressed can sometimes seem so impossible! :)

