Thursday, November 8, 2012

Proud Mommy Moment: Conferences

Ready for the good the bad and the funny?  It's Proud Mommy Moment Time! This is your weekly chance to brag about the awesome things your kids, nieces, nephews, etc did and no one will judge because we told you to. Or you can do the opposite and tell us about those moments your kids made you so "proud"- i.e. something totally embarrassing but hey it makes for great blog material!  Please grab the button for your post and visit my co-host Kmama.

Every Thursday!

This is definitely a bragging and truly proud week for me- as this week is Parent/Teacher Conferences.  

Alex's conference was first.  I went into it fairly confident as so far I had just heard good reports and I left very proud.  In all of the areas tested except one, Alex has hit all of the benchmarks for the END of kindergarten.  Yep, one semester in and she pretty much knows it all (and trust me she will let you know it too).  She only got a 3/4 in blending vowels.   Her teacher said she can be a little chatty at times but she also is a leader and all of the kids love her.  Her teacher also has a soft spot for her as her youngest is also a red-head. 

Lucas conference was yesterday.  The first thing his teacher showed me was his benchmark tests- which is basically the preview for the state testing he will take later this year.  And well, not sure if I should be worried or not (insert sarcasm font) as he got 100% in every single area in both Math and Language arts.   His teacher then went on to say that Lucas is also so kind and polite in class and that he is kind to everyone and if others are being mean to kids he tries to help them out and will let her know- but not in a tattle-tale way she reassured me.  

For Lucas, who would have began school with a permanent mark on his record for behavior had we not pulled him out and waited a year, to a year of not being able to get 10 good behavior days in a row- to this now.  It truly does a mama's heart good and helps remind me to never give up or quit trying during the hard times as there will be better days.

What is your Proud Mommy Moment this week? 


  1. That is so awesome that both kids did so great at conferences! I bet you are one proud momma (:

  2. Wonderful!! You should be so very proud of your kids. They truly are a testament to you and Eric!

  3. Congratulations!!! They're both doing amazing!! I guess Alex's teacher is going to have to come up with some more challenging stuff to keep her busy in kindergarten! Otherwise she's going to get bored!

    I'm like Lucas, my birthday is in the middle of October. My parents chose to send me to Pre-K for two years instead of one so that I'd be ready for kindergarten, too. (I also had trouble sitting still, attention span, etc - but back then I don't think ADD was a thing yet) made the right decision. Plus, it'll be pretty cool for him to be the first of his friends who can drive in high school. I loved that! ;o)

  4. That is wonderful! Sounds like they're doing awesome and off to a great start in their education!

  5. That sounds so fun! My kiddos are older so I don't have anything to post right now but I will be thinking about this one.

  6. That's incredible! From what I remember of math, it's difficult to do better than 100% I love that all your children are doing so well!

    My proud moment this morning was when my daughter who isn't even in pre-school said of a broken circle "this looks like a small c" that she has her alphabet down already stuns me, but upper and lower case is another step altogether.

  7. That really is so awesome Emily! I am so impressed. I only wish I could have the same report after our Conference tonight. I'm afraid it won't be quite as good . . . but you are reassuring me with the never give up thing! :) We'll keep trying, hopefully we can be like Alex and Lucas! Yay!

  8. That's fabulous about both of them but especially Lucas. Although great for Alex too! You should be one proud momma! That's for sure!

  9. That is so great!! You should definitely be a proud mom!

  10. Wow Emmy, Very nice!! Makes me proud just reading this post and I'm just a follower. What a wonderful mommy you are and have much to be proud about! Good job to all of you!

  11. Your kids are so awesome!!! Glad that they all had positive conferences...(and I'm pretty sure my teachers always told my parents I was chatty as well) :-)

  12. Awww so glad both kiddos are flourishing and that a long time ago you made the right choice for Lucas!

  13. You should feel proud!!! I feel proud and I'm not even their mom!

  14. That is awesome! It feels so good to know you made a right decision when it comes to our children.

  15. Your kids are so wonderful, and you should feel proud!

