Thursday, December 13, 2012

Proud Mommy Moments: Third Time's A Charm

Ready for the good the bad and the funny?  It's Proud Mommy Moment Time! This is your weekly chance to brag about the awesome things your kids, nieces, nephews, etc did and no one will judge because we told you to. Or you can do the opposite and tell us about those moments your kids made you so "proud"- i.e. something totally embarrassing but hey it makes for great blog material!  Please grab the button for your post and visit my co-host Kmama.
Every Thursday!

The Good

Lucas was awarded Student of the Month this last week.  I was obviously proud of him.  But when I read the note from his teacher as to why he was awarded it- well even more proud.

It said:
     Congratulations!  I am SO proud of you!  Thank you for being such a wonderful example to everyone in class!  You have a great attitude towards school and you always try your best. I am so glad that you are part of our class!"

It sure makes a mama's heart feel good.
Lucas and I after the awards assembly
And Alex-has a goal to get all of her rainbow words done before Christmas break.  She has gone from finishing about one list a month (a lot because we forget to practice them) to getting at least one a week done!  Two more lists and she will meet her goal!

And Ryder-
  Ryder decided not to take his nap the other day and with him when he is overly tired well he gets really hyper.  Lucas desperately needed new shoes (holes in the shoes are not acceptable in my book) so we decided to brave a trip to the shoe store with a napless Ryder.

And you would never believe it- the napless Ryder ran all over the place knocking things off the shelf, hitting any button he could find (including on the credit card machine), and when his brother so "nicely' pointed out the entrance to the display area- ran between the barrier and the front window to be on display himself.   So yes, that was me running after a crazy 2-year-old in the display window for all to see.

Hmmm maybe that last one shouldn't be listed under "The Good"

What is your Proud Mommy Moment this week?

And tomorrow is week 2 of the Review Extravaganza!  Even if you missed the first week you can still recap!  You can either recap the first 6 months in one post or just jump in with April/May/June.


  1. Ha! Ryder sounds like a typical little boy without a nap!

    Great job to Lucas and Alex. That's definitely something to be proud of!

  2. I was giggling when I read the part about him putting himself on display. too cute - glad you can laugh about it now. Congrats Lucas!!

  3. Hahaha! I can just picture the display window scene, too funny!

    Congrats on the award, that is such a wonderful note his teacher wrote.

  4. Sounds like your two year old and mine would get along just fine. We on the other hand would need a lot of wine to deal with two very busy toddlers together!

  5. Okay that last one has me chuckling!

  6. Lucas is doing so awesome!!! And hoo-ray for Alex! Not sure what would be worse a crazy toddler or a super cranky one. Either way you are left at your witts end.

  7. You have many reasons to be proud of those kiddos!

  8. Such awesome kids! Thanks for the chance to linkup.

  9. Way to go, Lucas!
    I just may have laughed over the last one!

