Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Moms Makes it Easier to Play

I have six things on my calendar today!  Including soccer practice- yep we are back to that again.  This season it will only be three days a week as Lucas and Alex both have practice on Mondays, and then there is practice on Wednesday for Alex and Thursday's for Lucas.  I think I need two of me!

Did you see my Heartfelt post from Friday??  And some of the new links we got??  So happy others are starting to join in.

Speaking of needing two of me... one of Ryder's favorite things to do is watch videos-- not TV shows- but videos, especially ones of himself.  I usually just open up my YouTube channel (can find it here), hit play and let him enjoy.  Saturday when Ryder was watching the videos one popped up that I had almost forgotten about, the video is almost two years old now.

It was a video or vlog response to a prompt from Mama Kat about how you play with your kids.  And lately it feels like I have been slipping away from being good at really playing, so it was the perfect time to see this video.  If you aren't huge fans of watching videos just skip to the end to see how little Ryder was!

What is your favorite thing to play with your kids?
Linking up here

P.S. TOMORROW is 10 Things to Smile About This Month!  Would love to get a bunch of links as it is always good to look back and find thing good things from the month.


  1. I LOVED the video... so awesome.

  2. Fun memories. Good luck with soccer. Still too snowy and cold to even think of that here!

  3. I'm a big karaoke fan and my father-in-law got a karaoke machine for us this past Christmas and we're having a ball with it! My kids kind of mumble along to songs they kind of know but I feel like it's really helping their reading skills.

  4. Oh your old house. I mean...I remember that vid. hahaha. And who doesn't stash a little chocolate now and then! :)

  5. That is a awesome video. Allison was standing behind me and watched it. You should have heard her when you split yourself!!

    Ryder was so tiny and too adorable.

  6. Oh my gosh!!!! I barely remember when he was born and itty like that!

  7. I'm all for two mommies!! Especially when it comes to extra activities.

  8. Andrew likes watching himself too! There must be something about watching yourself that is rather entertaining when you're little.

  9. Fun that we've got more ppl linking up with us!! I could barely get through your video without Ryan asking a question about you, Alex and what Ryder was doing and if I know you and if they are his new friends. Ya'll are too cute! Ryan thinks so too

  10. Hahah!! So true...anything is possible with a Mac! That was super creative. I'm doing a lot of Lego building around my house lately too :-)

  11. That video is hilarious!!! I am wondering how you split yourself in two with a Mac though. You must teach :)

  12. this is a riot!!!! what a great spirit you have!!! and such talent! made my afternoon!!! XO

