Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heartfelt Acts: May-The Unplanned Moments

Want some help doing a little more, giving a little more?  Then join Janette and I every month for Heartfelt Acts.  We give two ideas or ways you can help serve and give a little more, though you are welcome to change it up.  The idea is just to help us all stop and notice those around us and help us give a little more.

Here were May's goals:

1.  Host a cookie exchange.  Examples of how to do this can be found HERE & HERE.
2.  Write a letter to a family member telling them why you love them. (Great for Mother’s Day!)

And now it is time for a confession, I failed.  Definitely did not host a cookie exchange and also never did write any letters; but I did have some unexpected chances to give.

First a good friend was in the hospital for a surgery and when she came out of surgery she could not feel anything from the chest down.  It was a very scary time, but thankfully she seems to be making a full recovery.  It was amazing to see how quickly everyone from church banded around her, taking meals in and watching her kids during the day.  The meal calendar filled up in a manner of minutes.  I was lucky enough to be able to take dinner to her family one night.   It was a little easy thing for me but I know it meant so much for her family who is dealing with a lot right now.

The second was even more unexpected.   I was the team mom for both Lucas and Alex's soccer teams this season.  As part of my team mom duties I was responsible for planning the team parties.  Being the genius that I am (okay during one of my rare moments of genius) I scheduled both team parties for the same time at the same place; killing two birds with one stone.

It ended up working out beautifully.  Pizza, games, trophies and even cupcakes I made for everyone. We had some extra cupcakes and they were sitting at my table.  A lady came over eyeing the cupcakes.

"Are these for sale? She asked eyeing the cupcakes, "or could I buy one from you?"
"You can just have one." I sad happily handing her one.
"Really!" she squealed genuinely surprised.  "Oh thank you! I was supposed to get a dessert for his birthday," she said pointing to a little boy, "and the restaurant doesn't have any dessert and we want to sing him happy birthday!"
"Here you can take the rest, I do not want to bring them home; I will just eat them all myself."
"Really? Thank you thank you!!  Can I give you a hug?"

And we hugged right then and there in the restaurant.    

It felt good, it felt good to be able to help with something that seemed so simple to me but meant so much to her.  It felt good to realize and remember we are all just people with out families, our own problems, our own joys just trying to do our best.  Yet we are all connected and can all be an impact for good.

This is what Heartfelt Acts is all about. 

Come join Janette and I in this process of giving and being a little more.  Here are June's goals
1.  Start a piggy bank for a cause- maybe even have kids help by doing extra jobs around house/neighborhood to earn money.
2.  Give Affirmation: Offer encouragement freely to your friends, co-workers, and family.  You can always find something positive to say in any situation!


  1. Love that you shared kindness in truly unexpected, random ways!

    1. Yes, it really did feel good to be able to just say yes and give

  2. That is incredible! I'm sure that just made that lady's day. You were so sweet to give them all to her! :o) I hope your friend continues to get better, too. That is really scary!

    1. Yes, thankfully she seems to be getting better and better everyday. She is back home now, just doing a lot of physical therapy.

  3. Prayers for your friend & it's often the unexpected kindness that means the most- that's what I love about our heartfelt acts- they aren't required to do the suggested bc there are so many things you can do! Way to go! Now I need a cupcake!

  4. Sometimes those unplanned things are the absolute best!

    1. Yes and it was good there was something otherwise who knows what I would have shared this month!

  5. Nice work Em. And a fun story to read!

  6. Beautiful and sweet acts of kindness towards others - so glad to see it all around me, and even shared on blogs! I'm sure you know, but I believe it's incredibly important to share with others all of the ways in which we can help others - it makes it less daunting to start something on your own, I feel.

  7. Love the random kindness of the cakes! How nice to just give them away :) Hope your neighbour is recovering well. What a great community. xx
