Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Doctors Are So Smart

No one likes going to the doctor Okay, well there might be some hypochondriacs or people who's doctor's are really hot; but I think it is pretty safe to say that most of us could think of a lot of things we would rather be doing than go to the doctor.

You get to the doctor, sign in then go join the mass of others waiting. Sometimes you will get lucky and there will be an amazing waiting room. My perinatal doctor had free wi-fi. I could have sat there all day. My heart doctor had a big TV that was usually on to HGTV, it was always turned up nice and loud as I was by far the youngest person in the waiting room. Then there are always the pediatricians were there are germ laced toys and hacking snotty children all around.

No matter what the condition of the waiting room, even the really nice one, no one really likes to wait. They want us to think we like waiting, even callings us "patients", subliminal message much?  Yet most still don't like waiting. At my last cardiology appointment I settled in, book in hand, but was soon distracted by the home makeover going on. I was happily watching completely content.

"Emily", my bliss was interrupted. 'Oh wow, that was a fast wait'. I think to myself. The nurse happily chats with me, gets my blood pressure, my weight, and then shows me too my room. "The doctor will be with you in a minute" she says with a smile.

Slam. The door is closed. Tick.. tick... the clock in the room loudly ticks away. I sit on the exam table, my legs dangling. I look around, some diagrams of the heart, some gloves, and the other usual doctors stuff.

Tick... tick.

I eye my book sitting in my purse way over on the chair. Should I get down and get it? I know as soon as I do the Dr will come. So I just wait.

Tick... tick...

I wonder how that home makeover is going? Wish I could have finished watching it.

Tick... tick.

"Hello!" I hear the Dr. say as he enters the room next door. I sit there for the next few minutes listening to how high the cholesterol is of the patient next door. Note to self, when the Dr comes in, talk quietly, these walls are thin.

Tick... tick.

All the quiet, not used to it. Used to having my kids talking my ear off nonstop.


The quiet is helping me think, think and ponder and suddenly, eureka! I figured it out. The doctors are very smart, oh so very smart. No one wants to wait long and they know it. If you have a bunch of patients flooding the waiting room they might start talking. Talking about how long they have been waiting and soon you will have an uproar. So they build these nice waiting rooms filled with wi-fi and TV and magazines to help distract you and before you get a chance to start to wonder what is taking so long they call you back.

You enter the room thinking it is your turn next and you will be seen any minute. But then you wait and you wait. Where is the TV, why is the wi-fi not working back here?? But who do you have complain to? No one. You are there all by yourself, often sitting in your underwear with nothing to do and no where to go.

Genius, pure genius. No wonder why doctors get paid so much.

This is actually a repost of an old blog entry from over three years ago.  My family had a great fun weekend getaway, which I wanted to share about, but well the pictures are all still on the camera.  So instead I shared this oldie but goodie.

Also- need to announce the winner of the Hero's of Faith Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats Debbie!  I already emailed you and am excited for you to get your copy. 


  1. haha....I HATE when they say the dr will be right in. Last year when I was pregnant we were in the ob's office for almost 2 hours in the waiting room then almost another hour in the room....ummm I walked out.

  2. I hate the wait in the examination room. I always want to play a game on my phone but then look at the sign in the room that says please shut off your cell phone. I just know if I don't shut the phone off the dr. will be right in.

  3. If you have little ones in tow it is just an exercise in patience...or torture. You pick.

  4. I am a lousy waiter! They forgot me during one of my last OB visits and were closing up the office!

  5. You must have a good doctor because none of the ones that I go to have WiFi. As a matter of fact my phone barely gets signal inside!

  6. Cam | Bibs and BaublesSeptember 3, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    Funny post! You're right those doctors are smart. Evil geniuses! lol!

  7. It was only my one doctor that had wi-fi, the rest do not.

  8. That would be so awful! I would have been so mad

  9. Yes!! Total different story when you have kids with

  10. Lol- that is how I was with my book, though it wouldn't have mattered one bit but for some reason I worried about it

  11. Yea, that is just wrong, no one should have to wait that long for an appointment that they already have

  12. Haha! Yes! I've had this happen so many times. I almost want to tell the nurse that comes to the waiting room to retrieve me that I'd rather wait in the waiting room than my examination room! The one place I've never had this happen is the dentist. If they call you back, then they're ready for you!

  13. Our local hospital built a new ER and it has a TON of patient rooms. More patient rooms for patients to sit in so the waiting room/lobby doesn't look full. Grr.
