Monday, October 14, 2013

A Christmas Collection.. in October

I know many have complained about the fact that there are Christmas things in the store already.  I will admit, I think it is too soon.   It was not however too soon to read Christmas Collection by Carla Kelly.  I was given a copy of Carla's book to review.

Christmas Collections is a set of four short stories set in England in the early 1800's, they are part of the Regency Romance genre. The stories are all set at the time of the war with two unlikely characters brought together in extraordinary circumstances. 

The stories quickly drew me in;  there was just enough of the story to leave me satisfied but at the same time I almost wished they were longer stories.  I especially thought this of the first story The Christmas Ornament as I would love to continue following the main character's story. 

It is called a Christmas collection as all four of the stories take place around Christmas time and sometimes bring in aspects of the season and ideas of giving, gifts and the meaning of the season.  Other than that one Christmas season tie in, they really could be anytime stories, so yes even if you don't want Christmas things too soon you can enjoy this in October! 

If you are a fan of Jane Austin era novels then you will love this collection of short stories.  At times the stories were predictable but I still really enjoyed reading them and it leaves you feeling happy and with faith in love. 

I also really appreciated that these stories are all what I like to call "clean books" free of language and graphic sexual material.   These would be great to read for teenagers and older. 

This book was not Carla's first book, in fact she is the author of more than thirty novels and novellas and is the recipient of two Rita Awards (think Oscars for romance writing) from Romance Writers of America and two Spur Awards (think Oscars for western fiction) from Western Writers of America.
Recently, she’s been writing Regency romances (think Pride and Prejudice) set in the Royal Navy’s Channel Fleet during the Napoleonic Wars between England and France. 

The Christmas Collection definitely let me wanting to check out some of her other books as I really enjoyed these short stories. 

You can purchase the Christmas Collection at the following locations:

Today you can also enter to win an e-version of this book, just use the rafflecopter form below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of Christmas Collection to review, all feelings and opinions are my own and truthful. 


  1. Yes! I think that stores start putting the holiday stuff out WAY to early! I don't see why they can't wait until at least the first of November. Mid October is too soon.

    These books sound great. I like historical fiction and romance!

  2. I think it's a little early. But I love Christmas! I'd love these books. Love the regency era!

  3. Technically yes... but maybe not stores like Hobby Lobby and Michaels (craft stores) because it's fun to craft for that time of year.

  4. I love Christmas stories!! Thank you for sharing your review!

  5. Yes and no, lol! Christmas is such a happy time of year so I can't wait for it to get here but I think everything should wait to be in stores until at least November.

  6. Every year it seems like stores are waiting eagerly for 11/1 when they can stock their shelves with commercial Christmas madness! It seems too soon, but honestly I think people just love this time of year, so why not?!

  7. I like discussing Christmas in June or July, so I am actually okay with Christmas being displayed early. Its actually Christmas music that I can't handle until we are in the month of December. Weird eh?

  8. I always play Christmas music the day after Halloween. How crazy is that? And I swear it comes earlier every year. This looks like a lovely collection of stories!

  9. I'm a huge Christmas lover so I say no. I love Christmas stories as well so I will definitely have to check this one out. :)

  10. Christmas season starts REALLY early here, too. Probably because we have neither Halloween nor Thanksgiving to buffer the Christmas season. Lights are already being strung up on the streets and it's only mid-October!!

  11. YES! Too soon. I don't like it one bit.

    I love anything about England....I must win this book!

