Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Five: Proud Mommy

Time for Friday Five: Sharing 5 Thoughts and 5 Pictures every Friday.   Don't forget this upcoming Tuesday will be 10 Things to Smile About This Month.
friday five

1. On Wednesday I helped in Alex's classroom.  When I got there Alex's teacher said she had saved a special announcement for when I got there.  Alex was one of two kids to receive 100% on her language portion of their bench mark testing.  I was a very proud mama.

2. Yesterday Lucas came home and told me that for their monthly art project, two kids from the entire grade are chosen for their work to be displayed, one in the cafeteria and one in the library.  When he went in for library time today he saw a familiar picture hanging on the wall, it was his!  His art inspired by M.C. Escher was one of the two chosen!  Again a proud mama.

3. Can't leave Ryder out, the other night while Lucas and Alex showered I decided to wait to bathe Ryder as I needed help putting laundry away.  He really is my best helper for this and folded all of the towels and then put them away all by himself.  Proud mama X3.

4. So you don't think my life is perfect, (it is not) this week I dealt with snotty noses, poopy underwear, a home decor item drawn on with crayon, numerous fights, one of my best friends and Ryder's friend moving away, and my poor husband working 12+ hour days.  Just keeping it real.

5. We finally got a basketball hoop this week, it is yet to be put together.  I am excited to see how Alex improves now that she will actually be able to practice more.  Plus when Eric and Lucas were at the store buying it, Lucas sweet-talked Eric into buying him a nice ball and he is saying that he wants to play basketball next time around.







  1. The kiddos are really knocking it out of the park this week!

    1. Yes! They say when it rains it pours, well sometimes when things are good things are really good.... other than the whole pooping in underwear thing ;)

  2. Your kids rock, Emmy! And you're an awesome mom!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you had a good weekend

  3. How cool that he was chosen for the art winner! And, to be inspired by Escher is awesome!

    1. Yep, Escher was the artist of the month, so they learned about him then were supposed to create a piece in his style

  4. What fun proud Mama moments! I have to appreciate the keepin' it real part though. I've had poopy underwear this week too. Darn potty training! I love eggs in the nest and I may now have to go make myself one because your picture looks so yummy!

    1. We call them Egg in a Hat, I like Eggs in a nest, that is cute. I think that dish has more names then any other dish I know of

  5. What awesome proud mama moments! Sounds like your kids are doing so great :D Yay!

    1. Thank you! Yep overall they are, which definitely brings a little peace in life

  6. Mom's appreciate not feeling alone! We had a poop-out ourselves this week...but WOW! Love the proud moments. It's fun to remember the good and the bad. Does Eric have to work that much in the coming weeks too? That stinks. Is he nearing an end of a job?? How do I not know this? xoxo

    1. Yea, I think things will keep being this bad for a bit.. we will be glad when this project is over.

  7. ps-Alex looks so dang cute in that picture!!!

    1. Thank you! That was her new Christmas outfit, which took a joinery from Illinois to here to Utah and back that she finally got to wear, long story :)

  8. lol, #4! I love that you keep it real. So sorry your friend moved away. :-( Great job Alex and Lucas! They're getting so big!! Aw, love how Ryder helps you. I think Piglet will want to help me too, but then he'd probably take all the folded towels and roll around in them. ;-)

    1. When Ryder first started helping me with towels, he insisted that rolling them up was correct, if I tried to help him or fix them he would get all mad. So I would have to horridly fold as many as i could while he rolled up some, then after he left fix the ones he did. So I am very happy he actually does them right now :)

  9. A great week for being a proud mommy! I love getting news like that.

  10. mmmm eggs in a basket :) Sooooo awesome for Lucas and Alex. I want a little helper... lol. Send him my way and he can help me fold clothes :). haha.

    1. Clothes he isn’t so good at yet. In fact he often wants to hang them up and can’t reach so I end up having to lift him up which he tries to get the hanger over the rod, not fun trust me
