Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reading Killed My Writing

The intrigue, the wonder, the desire to read just one more chapter...

this has been my life lately, sucked into a book, not really wanting to put it down.

Just one more chapter I think....

7 chapters later.

I finally put the book down and think now I should write.

I stare at the cursor blinking....


my mind wanders back to the book.  It is all I can think about it, what my mind keeps drifting back to, it seems to have sucked all of the creative juices from my mind.

So reading has killed my writing.

But I sort of love it.

Have you ever got so lost in a book it is all you can think about?

Oh and I am sure someone will ask, I am currently reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.


  1. Yeah, as soon as I finish the book I'm reading, I am going to make myself NOT get another one for awhile. I get so behind on everything else!

    1. Yes, I really need to take a break from it too :)

  2. I totally get it! I'm on book 6 in the Harry Potter series and I've had trouble putting every single one of those books down.

    1. I actually have never read the books- I started the first one but just never really got into it, I did like the movies though :)

  3. Happens to me often... and I often realize after reading a book I loved and I start writing something myself, I end up using the same plot line or ideas of the book I just read. I'll end up tossing it, saying, "Well, this isn't original!!" ha!! Enjoy it - I'm in a reading rut right now, I haven't been excited about anything I've read it seems in the past year :(

  4. Story of my life! I'm normally reading 4 books at a time and it's always such fun when I find one that really sucks me in. It does put quite a damper on my productivity though! Enjoy your book!

    1. How do you read 4 at a time? I know a lot of people read several at once, I just have never been able to- for me it is one and done.

  5. I've been writing more than reading lately, but it's for work, so not a big choice there. But, I do understand very much! Nothing better than being immersed in a book.

  6. My husband read that book over our Spring Break vacation. He lugged it everywhere, it was huge! He had a hard time putting it down!

  7. I wish I could get into reading. I've tried and it's just not my thing. I'm definitely more of a writer!

  8. And I always say that working gets in the way of my reading. ;)

  9. Hey they say that reading helps writing!!

    1. Yes, it usually does- but for some reason just seems to be sucking any creativity out of me :)

  10. I really need to find the time to get back into reading. I used to read 3 books a week minimum!!!

