Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Beach Trip Essentials

Living in SoCal we love going to the beach and after many trips I have definitely learned what things we need to bring to the beach.  Remember you have to carry everything you need in, so today I am sharing some beach trip essentials.
Things to Bring to the beach

Thanks to Cottenelle for helping sponsor this post.

1. Sunscreen-
  It is so important to stay safe and healthy, and let's face it no one likes a burn.
   Tips: Apply in the parking lot before walking into the sand.  You should bring a rub and spray sunscreen (rub for the face). Use the spray for reapplication throughout the day, as rubbing sandy skin- ouch!

2. Beach Towel and Chair-  Now a chair isn't essential, but it really is nice to have one to sit on. Your beach towel will get sand on it, so it is nice to have somewhere to sit.  They have great back-pack beach chairs that are easy to carry in and some even have little pocket coolers on the back.

3. Shade-
    It really is nice to get a break from the sun, either an umbrella or a great mini pop up shade are great options for getting some sun free time and helps keep all your things in one area.

4. Water And Food
   If you are going to the ocean, you can't drink the water and you will get thirsty!  You will want to bring snacks and food, especially if you staying all day.  If you are out in the sun your appetite might not be as large (especially seems this way with kids), I have found it is better to bring light lunches and little snacks to eat throughout the day.  Also, if you get there at lunch time- eat your lunch before playing in the sand, you'll eat less sand this way.

5. Beach Toys-
  These aren't really an essential, but really can make a beach trip so much more fun.  You don't need to go crazy, just a bucket and little shovel or a boogie board if you like the water will help for all day fun.
Things to bring to the beach

6. Bathroom Wipes-
    If you are spending all day at the beach you will have to go to the bathroom at some point.  If you have ever been in a beach bathroom, you will find that everything is sandy.  Have you ever tried to wipe a sandy bottom with dry toilet paper?  Ouch!

That is why I was excited when I found out that Cottenelle has their Flushable Cleansing Cloths in cute On-The-Go Soft Packs.  I am already a fan of the wipes for getting that extra clean feel, but when at the beach it is perfect!
Cottonelle Toilet Paper and On-The-Go Cleansing Cloths are the Perfect Pair
The Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths On-The-Go Soft Packs feature SafeFlush Technology, so they not only offer you a confident clean but also start to break down immediately after flushing.  They are alcohol-free, sewer and septic safe and pre-mositend to be super gentle.

I just like to throw the flushable wipes in a big plastic bag (a sandwich size works) along with some Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper (as beach bathrooms seem to run out of toilet paper a lot), for a thorough and pain free clean.
cottonelle and sand

7. Water and an extra towel (In the Car)
    Even if you shower off before leaving the beach, when you get back to the car you will find out you are probably still sandy (this is especially true with kids); so I like to have an extra bottle of water that I can use to help rinse off a little extra sand one last time.  If your towel is all wet or sandy, it is nice to have a clean dry towel to sit on to help protect your car seats.

Those are my personal beach trip essentials.

What do you bring to the beach?

Thanks to Cottonelle for sponsoring today's discussion!  You can join in the discussion with #LetsTalkBums 


  1. Would you believe our beaches have outlawed pop up tents and shades? You can only use umbrellas of certain sizes, crazy!

    1. Really!? That would be so annoying if you had one, especially if you were going with a big group. I guess it might be annoying to be behind the person with a pop up tent, but still that seems crazy.

  2. Absolutely love the idea of taking the wipes! Those bathrooms by the beach either have no toilet paper or they have that 1 ply stuff!

  3. Oh man, YES!! We're hoping to hit the beach up later this summer! These are such helpful tips!

  4. Yes to all the above! It always makes for a fun time esp for mom if I'm prepared!

  5. This is a great list! I always forget about shade and extra water, for sure!

  6. I've ditched the chairs in favor of a rollable jute mat. Love those things! They weigh nothing and the sand shakes right out!

  7. yes! toilet paper is always sandy! and wet :(. #6 is a tip I will be remembering this summer for sure!!!

  8. What a great list! I always forget that stuff!

  9. super fun!! we love the beach! hoping to go tomorrow if the weather cooperates! Wipes are so handy at the beach!!! EMily@nap-timecreations.com

  10. Great list! I think you covered everything and a few things I hadn't thought of before. I can't wait to go to the beach a lot this summer on Cape Cod!

  11. Awesome essential list - aren't beach trips so much fun? I wish we lived near one so I could take the kids! Your photos are gorgeous and have me dreaming of sand! :)

  12. How do you get all of that stuff to the beach? My first time at the beach a few years ago, I stepped in tar. If you don't have a gallon of gas handy to get it off....facial soap works. :)

  13. Toilet paper can DEFINITELY be a must at the beach!

  14. YES, TP is a must have for the beach!!

  15. Shaking some baby powder on your skin after your beach time really helps the sand fall right off.

  16. Great tips! I take many beach trips during the summer so I will keep these tips in mind!

  17. So envious that you live so near the beach. I'd love to be able to go to the beach as much as you do!

  18. You're so right - baby wipes at the beach are essential! I'm from Florida so I agree with you 100%.

