Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Days

I lay in bed as the sun streams through the window.  I turn and roll over and look at the clock, almost 8:00.  I smile satisfied.  I slowly get out of bed and wander downstairs.

There all three of my kids are watching a movie together, eating breakfast.  "I helped Ryder get his breakfast" my daughter tells me.

Fast-forward the day.

Lunch is done, I just finished cleaning the dishes.  I hear laughter coming from the living room.  The kids have gathered all of the old Fisher Price villages to create a "factory", they are capturing the people and turning them into chocolate.

Should this game worry me, I wonder for a brief second.

I smile and retreat back to the other room.  Grabbing my computer and checking a few e-mails.  Then I grab one of my logic puzzle books and begin a puzzle.
I cross off clues, figuring out which house Vicky lives in.

I smile.  I don't feel the least bit of guilt, the house is clean- well clean-ish, there is that load of laundry in the washer.  The kids are not all in front of a screen, well at least not for the moment; if they ask to watch a show I'll say yes.

They are playing, each other's friends, each other's playmates.

This is why you have more than one kid.  It is these moments that make all the sleepless nights, the hours of driving, making food, caring for each child in every way imaginable.

These moments when they are off playing together and I suddenly have more time than I know what to do with.

These moments are perfect.

Dang it- they're fighting now.

But hey, it's good while it lasts.


  1. Oh those few minutes of bliss. I get them every once in a while also and I automatically forget the baby stage. It does get easier to have a little me time as they get older!!

    1. Yep but they also seem to get bored more easily too, so good things about both stages.

  2. So no advice for those us with just one, huh? I do think that is my only regret, that she won't have that built in buddy.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, if only it always lasted ;) But well then I guess I wouldn’t really appreciate it.

  4. Mine usually always play great until I get on the phone…lol. :) I love when I see my kids playing together.

    1. Yes! What is it about the phone that makes them act crazy?

  5. I had a good chuckle at the end of this. :-) I have a favor - I'm writing a series on women dying their hair. Why we do it, why we feel insecure about those grays (men don't). I'm going to stop dying my hair and I'm trying to stimulate a dialogue from women, young and old, about both sides, pros and cons. I want to feel safe and comfortable in my own natural hair, so this is going to be a journey for me, and I would love to bring other bloggers along with me. No judgments about whatever others decide to do - I just want to explore the issue as I go on this journey of self-discovery. If you'd like to comment, visit my blog. You have influence with many readers and I would be honored to hear your thoughts.

  6. Sleeping in until 8am....that sounds lovely! We are SO looking forward to summer break - only 2.5 more weeks! Since I've only got Lexie, I get my alone-time during the school year. By the time summer rolls around, I'm always ready for a partner to watch movies with me and go to the park. :)

    1. Yes, I think once all of mine are in school I will cherish the summers even more and the time to be with them

  7. I know that feeling all too well when I have all three boys. It is so wonderful when they are getting along and playing together, I get a much needed break. Then there are the times where they just can't seem to get along and I can't get anything done ha ha. Kids are so fun though :)

