Monday, November 24, 2014

Six Years Ago: A Blogging Anniversary

Six years ago my life was once again about to be packed in boxes.

Six years ago, I met with my friends for a dinner for one final goodbye.
Our goodbye dinner
Six years ago, I was in a state of unrest and uncertainty wondering what our latest job transfer would bring.

Six years ago, I had two little kids at home, one 4-year-old who suffered from terrible anxiety and the cutest red-headed almost two-year old who stopped everyone in their tracks.
Alex age 2
Six years ago amongst all the chaos and upheaval, I began a journey.

Six years ago, I sat down and wrote two short paragraphs that became my first blog entry.

Uncertain, unsure, really completely clueless to the entire blogging world.

I look back and I can hardly remember that day.

Now six years later, my youngest child, who didn't exist at the time is 4-years-old.  Now, I know way too much about the blogging world, and social media and the numerous platforms that didn't even exist when I wrote that first post six years ago.

I am glad I did.  Glad I began this journey, with its ups and downs, with the opportunity for me to really find my voice yet always remain true to who I am.

To those family members who were my first (and in the beginning only) commenters, thank you.  To those who came along either long ago or more recently, thank you.  To those who have become more than just readers but true friends and even some who I have met in real life, thank you.

It is all of you that make it worth it, that keep me going.  Keep me going in preserving this little space of the Internet to share my story, my voice.

Here is to the next six years.


  1. Happy blogiversary! February will be my 10th blogging anniversary. SO many things have changed!!

  2. Very nice! Isn't it crazy to know all this stuff you never thought you would :)

  3. Wow 6? Congrats girl! So glad I met you in Bloggy world!

