Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A New Twist on Valentine's Day

Are you looking for something different to do on Valentines Day?  Something different then joining the thousands of people who crowd the restaurant on the same day. When I was first married we once waited for 2 1/2 hours to eat at Red Lobster on Valentine's Day.

Now with kids and having to pay a babysitter, we don't want to have to pay for 2 1/2 hours of sitting there waiting.  Instead, our family does something a little different.  On Valentines Day we stay in, avoiding the horrifically crowded restaurants and have a Fancy Family Valentine's Dinner.

It begins with small little treats from the dollar store and Target $ bin
Valentines Day Dinner
A fancy table set up just for the night (with most things again from the dollar store or Target $ bin).  We then have a "kids dinner" and a dinner for us, but it isn't as hard as it sounds.

 I have discovered around Valentines that Costco carries heart shaped ravioli.  Eric and I are big sushi fans so will buy some store bought sushi for our meal (yes not as good as a restaurant but it works).
Heart Ravioli

We eat by candlelight.
Candle Light
The first year we even dressed up in "fancy clothes"
From 2011
It really has become a tradition we have come to love.  Eric and I will go out to eat a different day the week of Valentines just the two of us, less crowds, babysitters actually available and we are able to create a wonderful family tradition.  It is the best of both worlds.

What do you do on Valentines?

Our past Fancy Family Valentines Dinners.


  1. such a great idea...and heart shaped ravioli - awesomeness - can you believe that I have never been to Costco lol

    1. Oh girl, you should totally go! Just write a list, otherwise there are so many awesome temptations :)

  2. Sushi and strawberries and chocolate, yes!

  3. I love the idea of wearing fancy clothes! It's so cute!

    1. Yes, we might have to do that again this year.

  4. We do pretty much the same thing! The kids and I always make chocolate covered strawberries and we have a fun dinner, they drink from fancy glasses, etc. I haven't done a lot of decorating though but I might have to change that, after seeing your table setting! So fun!

    1. It really is easy, just hit up the dollar store, so many things now. There is a lot of decor that I save and we can reuse every year too.

  5. We do the same thing--complete with Costco heart shaped ravioli!

    1. That is awesome! Yes i already bought my heart-ravioli this year

  6. What a fun idea! It's my first Valentine's Day with my boyfriend, but he has his kids that night, so I've been trying to think of a way to include them and still celebrate. This might be the perfect solution.

    1. Yes, this could be a perfect thing to do then. Then you two can go out a different night.

  7. Red Lobster! I shudder. I waittressed there. Nothing gross. Just hated the job. I digress. We already have designs on doing this as we never have focussed on this holiday in the past. I decided that this year we need to put some attention on it. :)

    1. That would be fun! You totally should. I haven’t eaten at Red Lobster in years!

  8. What?! I NEED heart shaped raviolis!!

    1. I know aren’t they cute! They are yummy too

  9. We should REALLY do this for Valentine's day! Not sure if we'll be able to find a sitter for a date night, so this is a great alternative!

    1. Yes! Unless you plan way ahead all of the good sitters are gone, so so much easier just to go out another night and have some fun at home

  10. I love this idea! The way you decorate each year makes it even more special. I'm going to have to copy you with this tradition. Even the cute little gift buckets... Thanks!

    1. Do it! I hope you all enjoy it and have a great time.

  11. I love the adorable set up!! Hopefully in the future we do something like this. We don't really celebrate it now, mostly because it is my brother's birthday and it was always about him when I was younger. This year my parents are visiting so I just want to go to the movies. LOL!!!

    1. Yes, definitely have to take advantage of free babysitters!

  12. Such a great idea and lots of memories to be made each year!!

    1. Yes, it is quite similar every year but still so important to the kids

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you! It is definitely a tradition my kids won't let us stop :)

  14. I hadn't forgotten this tradition of yours! I think it's a great idea, actually, especially since it includes the kids, too! Maybe it's different when you've got siblings, but I think Lexie would feel left out if we didn't include her in our V-Day plans!

    1. I think even with siblings they would feel left out or feel like it is just something for mom and dad, so good to let the family have a “love” day

  15. This is the best idea! Seriously! We may have to start this tradition this year... :)

    1. You should! My kids really do love it, it really isn’t too hard either.

  16. These pictures are so fun! Now that the birthdays are over around here, I gotta start planning mine. I'm excited. It's always so fun. I think I'm going to make chocolate lava cakes this year! yum! I need to go to the dollar store too. Yay!

  17. This is such a great idea! I love the thought of spending VDay as a family.

  18. Our family tradition is a red and white dinner. Everything we serve is red and white: spaghetti, heart shaped garlic bread, strawberry salad and a dessert that is red and white. The table is decorated in red and white and everyone has to wear something red and white to the table. We started this tradition when my kids were very young and now they are doing it with their own families so I know it made an impression!!

  19. We always stay in on big occasions :) We'd much rather spend our time cooking together and chatting that trying to be heard in a busy or crowded restaurant!

    1. Yes, there are plenty of days we can eat out, no reason to do it on a day that is so insane and crazy

  20. Going out to eat on Valentine's Day is awful, the lines are ridiculous and I am usually starving the entire time we are waiting. We definitely opted out on going out to eat. We just plan on spending the day together doing whatever sounds good at the time :)

    1. Sounds like a good plan, and yes unless you happen to get a reservation it is just not worth it.

  21. AWWW This is such a cute idea! I think you are super smart for changing up Valentine's day. Trying to eat out on Valentine's day can be crazy! Happy Valentine's day!

  22. I think it's sooooo cool you guys do this!

  23. I love this idea and I'm going share it in a round up post, if that's okay! Thanks!

    1. Yes that would be fine as long as there is a link back to my site

  24. Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas! :)

