Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Five: Anniversary, Graduation and Donuts

Happy Friday!  Let me just say I felt like I already had a Friday this week.  When you go on a date in the middle of the week, it just throws the entire week off.  Today is actually Friday, so join me today and every Friday for Friday 5! #Friday5

Grab button for Emmy-Mom

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5 Thoughts

1. Eric and I celebrated 14 years of marriage this week!  We went out to dinner (so good) and then went and saw the new Jurassic Park movie (also so good).  Both things made us contemplate how old we feel and freak out a bit what life will be like 14 year from now.  (We could potentially be grandparents!)

2. We rode the new ride at Knotts Berry Farm last week, so fun!  We rarely stay the entire day when we go, but that is the beauty of having passes.

3. It has gotten hot here, 90's all week... too hot for June!  Thank goodness for air conditioning and friends with pools.

4. I got to see Lourie this weekend!  Her oldest girl graduated from high school!  When we moved to California, she wasn't even old enough to babysit!  Time goes so quickly.

5. I am waiting for a baby to be born.. no not my own, one I am going to take newborn pictures of.  I took his older siblings newborn pictures the day before we left on vacation... it is seeming like the sibling is trying to follow in his brother's footsteps.

5 Pictures
About to ride the new ride at Knots

Photo-bombed by the grad! 
14 years and many many more to come
What is your Friday five?


  1. Hot here too! North Florida is seeing high 90s for the foreseeable future, which is abnormal for June. August, yes. I agree that A/C is a must and frequent trips to the pool. Congrats on 14 years! That's so exciting.

  2. Did you have to mention the "G" word??? LOL. I'm so happy you guys made it for the party. What was the ride at Knott's?

  3. Sounds like you had a really great week!

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Love the pictures you chose!

