Tuesday, September 8, 2015

National Teddy Bear Day: A Mama Note Bear

There is something wonderful and timeless about a teddy bear.  I still have many of my teddy bears from when I was a child, well my daughter has them now.  Stuffed Bears can be companions to sleep with, to cuddle with when scared, or even invited guests to a child's tea party.

My oldest two are almost getting past the teddy-bear stage, but they will never be past the need for an extra hug, some extra encouragement, some extra love.
Snuggle Bear

I give you, the Mama Note Bear
I found these cute bags at a local craft store in the "dollar bin" section.  They are perfect as they pull closed and then can easily be slipped over the arm of the bear.
Snuggle Bear
Then I wrote a note for each of my kids, a note telling them how much I love them, things about who they are that make me proud, and letting them know if they ever have a hard day, or a just need a little extra love, they can write me a note back and tie it to the bear and I will find it and respond when they are at school.
They were all so excited and each of them have already written me a note back.
My youngest has mostly drawn me a lot of pictures, but he is so excited when I get them and has even hung them all on my bathroom mirror for me. 
Bear and Note
One day when my oldest was causing some problems and not really listening; after being up in his room for a while he asked me, "do you still check those bear bags?"  
"Of course." I told him. 
I then went up to his room (he followed behind me), and found a note in his bag apologizing for not listening.  
I love that something so simple, something so timeless as a teddy bear, is helping me connect with my kids just a little more, helping them know that they can always come to me with any problem, anytime they may need something.
Did you know that tomorrow is National Teddy Bear Day?  Have you heard of the #ShareABear movement?
#ShareABear is a movement to show the world that something as small as gifting a teddy bear can brighten one’s day! Snuggle Bear will be making the world a softer place by personally donating 5,000 teddy bears to people who need them most. 

You can help by sharing your favorite teddy bear memories through photos, stories and videos the entire month of SeptemBEAR.   Learn more about the #ShareABear movement by visiting the Snuggle Bear Page.  

In parenting it often is the little things, the simple things that can mean so much in the end.

Do you have a special teddy bear?  


  1. OMG this is so cute. I love this idea!

  2. Okay, your kids are adorable in that video. Love their faces. This is such a great idea. I really like it.

  3. Longino was helping settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. He attended a bear hunt with several other hunters in Mississippi during his spare time.Jättinalle

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