Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Father's Day Recap

If Mother's Day is a day of rest for mom's-Father's Day is the exact opposite.  A day where Mom does it all in the hopes of giving the Dad a complete day of rest and enjoyable day.   Thankfully my kids can be coerced into helping.

We began the day by sleeping in, thanks to Eric's early morning church meetings being canceled.  The kids were itching for him to get out of bed as they wanted him to open his presents, so still clad in our pajamas, presents were opened. 
Fathers Day 2016
Tickling Dad

He got toys, ties, socks and candy.  A perfect round-up for him.
Opening Father's Day presents

Breakfast was French Toast and then it was time for church.

The kids sang with the Primary kids for the Dads.  This is Lucas' last time he will ever sing with the Primary, since he will be 12 this year which is totally freaking me out.  Right before it was time to sing, Ryder proclaimed, "I hate singing" and the stood there there entire time with a pouty face not singing one word.  Lucas literally stood a head above everyone and Alex sang beautifully and was probably 3/4th of the volume of the singers.  

That evening I will admit I didn't quite do it all as Eric wanted to grill steaks.  I did make the sides of twice baked potatoes, salad, carrots, biscuits and pie for dessert.
Father's Day Dinner

It was a wonderful Father's day and here is where I leave the mushy tribute thanking my husband for who he is and for all he does.  I always had an idea of things I wanted and didn't want the Father of my kids to be like, and he has far exceeded my expectations over the years.  I couldn't ask for a better Dad for my kids.  Thank you, I love you! 


  1. It looks like you and the kids spoiled him! I love the first two pictures!

    1. Thanks! We did do a pretty good job spoiling him

  2. Sounds like a lovely day.

    That's one thing I miss about being in a mid-singles ward: no primary kids singing on the holidays and special days.

    1. Yes, there is definitely something fun about that, especially watching the more entertaining kids, for better or worse :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Father's Day :)

