Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday 5: Busy, busy, busy

Sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to end the week with Friday 5.

Grab button for Emmy-Mom

5 Thoughts

1. My kids sometimes cause problems for me. They all recently started playing Slitherio- they told me I have to play too... there is a reason that game was called the number one addicting game of the year.

2. This week has been so busy I have got a ton done yet feel like I am so far behind, I need to freeze time for like a week so I can get a week's worth of stuff done in one day.  I may have not always used my time the best though, see comment number 1.

3. Alex had one of her best games at goalie this week.  She had one goal at the beginning that I have no idea how she let it essentially roll in, but after that she did awesome and her drop kick seems to be back.

4. Eric and I have started watching Psych- totally makes us laugh every night.  Do you have a favorite show that is on Netflix?

5.  I hate when I am getting gas and the receipt doesn't come out, or it will say receipt inside with clerk; I always just take a picture of the pump and call that good, not going to take the time to go inside to get it.

5 Pictures

Newborn Photography

Yummy burger and fries

Soccer Game

Editing Pictures

Mother and Son


  1. Yay, Psych! That show is so funny! I actually need to go back and finish the series. I tend to just rewatch my favorite episodes and recently realized there are a bunch I haven't seen.

  2. I'm so with you on #2! I need more time!
    My husband and I are currently watching The West Wing on Netflix. We took a brief break to watch season 1 of Stranger Things. Really good!

