Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday Five: Birthday, What to Wear and a Field Trip

It's Friday!  We are supposed to get rain again today and I totally am excited about it.  We need it and it is a change from the sun and blue skies-- which yes can get a little boring sometimes.

Every Friday I recap the week with 5 thoughts and 5 pictures.

5 Thoughts

1. It has been a busy week!  Do you ever wish you had an extra day.. or two.. in a week?  This is definitely one of those weeks for me.

2.  Some of the busy was good though, since it was my birthday.  I had a great birthday, did some shopping, some friends took me to lunch, then dinner with the family and presents!  It really was a great day.  Thanks to Eric and my in-laws I got the new lens I was really hoping for.  Excited to use it on a newborn shoot next week.

3. We did begin celebrating my birthday early on Saturday when Eric and I went out for sushi.  Love sushi!

4. I definitely would not consider myself a fashionista, in fact at times I feel clueless.  But on Sunday when I shared a picture of what I wore to church, all of the sweet,  kind comments from everyone made me feel like at least every once in a while I know what I doing.

5. Yesterday I went with Ryder's class on a field trip to the pumpkin patch.  Thankfully there was no ambulance rides this time, and we had a great time.  I love his teacher and how fun she makes everything.  Our group was the first one through the corn maze, we were pretty proud of that.

5 Pictures
Sushi for dinner!

What to wear to church
My Sunday outfit
Imitation Scott Baioli Hot Dog
My imitation Scott Baioli hot dog from the Dog Haus
Pretty sunset over highway

Mother and son on field trip

What are your weekend plans?

1 comment:

  1. We have flag football games in the morning tomorrow then we're tailgating the FSU game. Should be fun but exhausting!
