Friday, November 25, 2016

Friday Five: Thanksgiving

Happy Black Friday!  Or wait, does that day bring happiness or just craziness?   I am doing a special Thanksgiving Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. This year, for the first year in many years, we had a very quiet Thanksgiving with just our family.  It ended up being a great day with yummy food, and many Star Trek movies watched (my kids current movie kick).

2. Eric has been wanting a smoker for a while now, so Christmas came early when bought him a smoker in time for Thanksgiving.  Best Christmas present ever, as oh that turkey was so so good!

3. Thankfully the fact that I bought this for him helped where I failed by not buying a pumpkin pie.  I honestly don't like pumpkin pie- but as Eric told me, it can't be Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie.  I did buy three other pies though, which the leftovers made a great breakfast this morning.

4.  Finally on the last day of Thanksgiving break, my kids had the whole week off, I slept in.  I have been trying to sleep in, but darn body woke up at 6:00 AM every morning like I usually do.

5. And now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to decorate for Christmas!! I am so excited!

5 Pictures
Smoking our turkey on the Traeger
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Dinner Food
Sparkly Cidar
Eating Pie

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