Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday Five: Veterans Day, Courage Capes and Awards

Happy Friday everyone! An especially Happy Veterans Day.  Thank you to all who have served and are serving.

5 Thoughts

1.  To all who have served or are serving to defend our country-- thank you!  I cannot thank you enough for all you and your family sacrifice and have sacrificed to defend our freedom and our country.

2. The election... yeah, what a week.  I summed up my thoughts about it here and here.

3. This week Ryder received his first "On the Right Track" or academic award.  He has all O's- for outstanding or straight A's basically.  Alex also received a first- her first Principle's Honor Roll (Honor roll doesn't start until 4th grade at our school).  She has a perfect 4.0.  Proud mommy week!

4. For soccer this week we surprised the girls with a pizza party during the practice, they started practice and actually played a game of kick ball- the parents had a good time laughing at how little some of the girls knew how to play kickball.

5. This week was our Relief Society Dinner and service project.  We are making courage capes to take the children cancer patients at one of our local hospitals.  We also had a great dinner and some amazing entertainment and inspirational talk.  It was a wonderful night and I am so grateful to be part of such an amazing group.

5 Pictures

Fall Leaves

Mother and newborn
My beautiful friend and her new baby girl that I got to photograph! 
Soccer Team Pizza Party

Sewing Courage Capes
Sewing the Courage Capes- can you find me?
Mom and son

Hope you have a great Friday!  What are your weekend plans?

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