Monday, November 14, 2016

How I Became a Photographer- Achieving Goals in Life

How have you imagined your life?  Is it what you thought it would be?   Most likely not, even if things are good it probably has taken different paths and plans than you expected.  What if there is something you really want?  How can you make your goals happen?  How can you own your tomorrow?

I have always loved taking pictures.  When I graduated from high school my parents bought me a camera for a graduation present.  My Dad asked if I wanted a nice little compact camera that I could easily carry or if I wanted a "real" camera.

I got my first real camera, a Canon-- film though, as this was pre-digital days.  I loved having that big camera, it just made me feel like I knew what I was doing, though I really didn't.

I remember the days of taking pictures, having to drop off the film and wait for the pictures to be finished until you could see what you ended up with.  Now with digital it is so much easier.  As I got busy in school and life, while I would still take pictures, it wasn't something I really pursued anymore.

At the time I was a mom with two little kids, living in yet another new area, this time Arizona.  We had a class at church about photography where a professional photographer came in and taught us some tips and tricks about lighting and getting good pictures.

It began, that little flicker, that little flame began to ignite again.  I had my two kids sit next to our sliding glass door, the light shining in just right and got a picture which I loved.   I still have it framed and displayed today as now it represents something big- that moment, that moment when I decided to really take a step.
Learning Photography

I didn't immediately go out and start taking pictures, but I read, checking out books at the library, trying to learn about light and how my camera worked, trying to get out of auto mode and really take the picture myself.

A year or so later for Christmas, my husband bought me my first Canon digital DSLR, I was in love, taking pictures of everything and anything.  Always continuing to shoot,  learn and educate myself.
Newborn Photographer
Me in action from a recent photoshoot
Finally, the time came where I was going to photograph someone else's family, as a job.  I began with family and friends, as I knew they would still like me even if I did a horrible job.

I remember one of my first shoots, so nervous and almost shaking.  I began the shoot by shooting in manual, but halfway through I was so worried that I maybe wasn't getting good pictures as the light was a bit tricky that I switched to auto.

I look back at those first pictures now, overly edited and processed, and it amazes me at how far I have come.
Smiling Newborn

I still have so much to learn, there are so many photographers who I admire who know so much more than I do; but in life you can't always be comparing yourself to others or you will never be happy, but you should compare you to yourself. Are you growing? Are you improving?  Are you taking steps to better yourself, your situation, your life?

I still watch photography classes and tutorials, I still am trying to learn and improve everyday.

What are you going to do?  What are you going to do to own your tomorrow?

Definitely should check out this video, warning it might make you tear up a little, as we never know what is going to happen in life-- but we can always choose how we respond and react to life.
Own Your Tomorrow

Dream big today, then do something about it!  Own Your Tomorrow!

Have you had a moment in life that changed the direction of your life?

See how others are owning their tomorrow-- here.


  1. Your pics are gorgeous! I love hearing about how people started =D

  2. Such a wonderful story, it's always so interesting to see what inspires people. Your photos are gorgeous!

    1. Yes, life often goes directions we didn't expect. Thank you!

  3. You always have such gorgeous photos!
