Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

Usually on the last Tuesday of the month I look back over the month and find 10 things that made me smile, this month since there was almost an entire week left in the month after the last Tuesday I decided to wait until today.  Join me in finding 10 Things to Smile About
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10 Things to Smile About in October

1. A Birthday month!  Lucas', my MIL and my birthday!
Emoji Birthday Cake

2. General Conference - absolutely love and need this weekend of inspiration and hope

3. Lucas received the Aaronic Priesthood, so proud of him and the boy he is
Family at church

4. Going to the Temple with Lucas for the first time
First trip to the temple

5. Going on a field trip with Ryder and being able to help out in the classroom
Field trip with son

6. A great soccer month for Alex- she continues to approve at skills at keeper

7. All the kind comments I received about my outfit one Sunday
What to wear to church

8. Some cooler "fall" weather and even some days of rain!
rainy day

9. Fun pumpkin patch photo shoots
Behind the scenes at the pumpkin patch photo shoot

10.  Halloween! Even and Lucas did end up dressing up in the end!
Halloween 2016
What made you smile this month?  
Linky will be open for two weeks, so plenty of time to link up.

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