Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

--This post may contain affiliate links, which helps me support my little blog here--

November is winding down and it is almost December!  We already have Christmas up and I am listening to Christmas music everyday.. now just time to turn on the Hallmark channel!

Today, I am thinking back over November and finding 10 Things to Smile About.

10 Things to Smile About This Month

1. So many amazing sunsets this month
Red Sky Sunset

2. A successful fall soccer season coming to an end- Alex's team got 3rd place.
Soccer Team Pizza Party

3. These shopping cart bags-- had to get something (Thanks California) and these have been awesome- I get stopped in the store all the time asking where I got them-- find them here.
Best shopping bags ever

4. The Primary Program and how wonderful both Alex and Ryder did.
Primary Program

5. So many awesome photoshoots this month!
Newborn santa pictures

6. Thanksgiving!!
Thanksgiving Dinner

7. Celebrating Alex's 10th birthday
10th birthday

8. The snaggle tooth!  (He now has lost both top teeth)
Snagle tooth

9. The beach shoot I did with my daughter (see more of the pictures here)
Walking_on-Beach at sunset

10. Setting up our Christmas stuff!  I just love my house at Christmas time
Christmas trees
What made you smile this month?  Join me in writing a list of your own!

1 comment:

  1. Love your Christmas trees! And Alex is such a grown gal!
