Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Election Shock

I am shocked.   I honestly did not except the election to go the way it did.

I didn't vote for either of the main candidates, for the first time ever in my life I wrote in a candidate.  I feel good about who I voted for, something I don't know if I could say if I voted differently.

The media and a lot of the country was sure that Hillary was going to win.  It seemed all but inevitable.  As the results started rolling in, which thankfully here in California we didn't have to stay up until 3:00 AM to find out, I was shocked.  I didn't know if I felt relief or fear;  I wasn't sure what to think.

Now as everyone stumbles around trying to make sense of what happened, there are so many ugly words and accusations flying everywhere.

There was one person I voted for this year that I felt really good about.  It was a local politician who has shown that he has kept his word, someone that is supported by every local mayor both Republican and Democrat alike, imagine that- someone who knows how to get along and work with everyone!

Sadly he barely won, though it is so close they haven't officially called it yet, as he does not fit the mold that California's government wants, he isn't a puppet to their ideals and plans, in a state that create propositions for making it a law to make p*rn stars wear condoms on the ballet, I am not kidding.

I can't imagine being a politician in today's world.  The media, the people always flinging insults and waiting for your to cross your eyes funny.  It is hard enough just supporting a political person the way people treat each other if they don't think you are voting for the "right" person.  I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be that person.

What can I do, what do I plan to do?

Well first, I am going to pray.. a lot.  I am going to pray that those elected will be humble enough to realize they don't know everything, that they need input from others, from people who think and don't think like they do.  Pray that they wake up and address the real issues, the real problems; not if plastic bags should be banned from grocery stores.  What is going to make this country good again?

It is every day people, stopping the insults, stop insisting that they are always right no matter what; willing to get out and talk with people who think differently than they do and find a common ground. People willing to maybe get a little offended but not insist on a safe space or 'political correctness'.  People who realize the country cannot operate on moral relativism and whatever makes you feel good; but it needs definitive right and wrongs.  It needs jobs and hard work and education to be valued and rewarded.  This is what our country needs.

It begins with me and you.  Me taking the time to smile and say hi in the store, me slowing down and letting you switch lanes in front of me, me and you just being kind good humans who are trying to add to this world and not just take.

This is what it needs and this is what I am going to do.


  1. Amen! I was completely shocked, too. I didn't really want either to win, but I had mentally prepared myself for Clinton to be our next president. It was a very difficult and rude awakening to have to go back and steele myself for this outcome. Sigh. Hopefully people can be filled with love and the ability to be the good they want to see in the world so that we can make effectual changes in our country.
    Thank you for your wise and thought out post.

    1. Yes, I really was truly surprised, the way all of the media reports were leading up to it thought it was Hillary for sure. I truly hope that good and progress can come out of all of this— if nothing else it woke up the media to realize that they might not really know what the American people want and we aren’t buying all of their propaganda anymore—need to get back to the days of honest non-bias reporting.

  2. We thought Brexit was big and a surprise, but the result yesterday is a whole lot bigger than ours political decision. I think for us being in the UK, we don't understand how it even got this far allowing non-politicians to stand. Maybe things will work out better than expected - fingers crossed - but as you say, it's down to everyone to make their voices heard and continue progressing not going backwards.

    1. I must admit I haven't followed the politics in the UK very closely, but since this election here have heard more about Brexit-- and yes I really cannot believe that it came down to this in the end for either option. It shouldn't have come to these two choices in the first place. But yes, just praying that we can move forward and something good happens.

  3. I am still in shock. I did not vote for either of the 2 either but I really expected her to win. But everything you say is true. And yes, I will praying, especially for my children's generation to come... Thank you for these words.

    1. Yes, sometimes I look at how things are for my kids and am just so grateful that they all seem to be strong people willing to stand up for what they know is right as this world is just crazy.

  4. I just read this. I believe this country needs to pray hard too. I think they'd have needed to no matter who was elected. I couldn't write in a candidate because I know it wouldn't have helped the cause so I voted. I was worried about my vote after I did it, but I voted for the lesser of the 2 evils in my opinion. I hoped that all the political bantering would stop after the election, but I knew it wouldn't. I knew it would continue on no matter who won. I am quite shocked at how people are reacting to the news though. I think that's quite ridiculous and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. I know things really got worse after the election... the few days after on social media were just awful
