Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Christmas Day Poem

A Christmas Day Poem
Christmas Tree with presents

Christmas Eve night the kids went to bed,
Mom and Dad began wrapping, something they dread.
Counting the presents and wrapping with care,
When to their dismay, they realized there wasn't enough there!

One child's presents were missing, just not quiet enough
So off to the store, they drove with a huff.
The store was a mess, toys and presents on the floor,
But they found what they wanted and were soon out the door.

Back to wrapping, this time with all the presents in tow.
Would they ever get done? They just didn't know.
Finally it was finished, and time to hit the sack,
when it seemed only minutes and they were attacked!

Two happy children saying, 'wake up it's morning',
One child was still sleeping, happily snoring.
Soon all three children climbed onto our bed,
begging us to get up and move our sleepy heads.
Opening Presents

We walked down the stairs, got everything ready,
Lights and cameras- make sure to hold it steady.
Then the children came down, carefully taking each stair,
their squeals and the laughter filling the air.
Christmas Day

Presents were opened, thanks and hugs all around,
Wrapping paper and boxes all on the ground.
While the parents sat there with a happy grin,
This was a moment that felt like a win.
Christmas presents

As we sat there and watched the kids having fun,
We couldn't help but remember the most important One.
For Christmas is much more than presents and bags,
Christmas means Christ, who was born wrapped in rags.

That Christmas morning as we celebrate His birth,
the life of the only perfect one to live on the earth.
The one who suffered and died for each of us,
This is why we celebrate Christmas, please remember, we must.
Living Nativity

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