Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Eve Recap 2016

Are you recovered from Christmas yet?  Some of my friends have already put away their Christmas things, I don't know how they do it!  We usually leave ours up until New Years Day, I do love my Christmas decor.

We had our usual fun Christmas Eve traditions, which we were lucky enough to have my parents with us here again this year.

(See past Christmas Eve posts here 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008)

This year we were a bit behind on our cookie making, so we finished our Sugar cookies Christmas Eve morning.
Making Sugar Cookies
Making Sugar Cookies with Family

Lucas had to make his traditional "Yellow Snowman" of course.  I think we spent most of our Christmas break in pajamas, but is there any better way to go?
Sugar Cookies

This picture below, really recaps our day pretty well-- there with Grandma and Grandpa, working together having fun and Eric with longingly gazing out the window.
Making Gingerbread houses

He wasn't trying to escape, he just couldn't keep his eyes off the brisket he was smoking. He woke up really early to get it started, low and slow all day long it cooked.  He was like a kid at Christmas, so excited for that brisket- and it was so worth it, so so yummy!

Later it was more decorating, this time our Gingerbread houses.  This year I found some kits at Costco, and let's just say I will be looking for those kits every year!  The houses were already assembled, just had to put on the door and chimney, and it came with good candy!  I usually sample some candy, but the amount of candy I sampled might have been a little greater than usual.
Decorating Ginger Bread houses

There may have been a few tears and a few squabbles along the way, but in the end there were a lot of adorable houses.
Gingerbread house- E
Gingerbread house- EM
Gingerbread house-L
Gingerbread house-A
Gingerbread house-R
GingerBread house-G

My parents did have a slightly different kit, as originally they were going to be at my sister's on Christmas Eve, and the kits were gone from Costco by the time we rearranged our plans. 
We ended the evening with our Christmas Eve pajamas.  I thought about getting all matching again this year, but couldn't find any I really loved, so the adults matched, but kids were just random.  
Family on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Pictures
Christmas Eve Pajamas
Silly Faces with Christmas Pajamas
And of course the kids had to do their traditional "booty picture"
Christmas Eve Pajamas
We took time to reflect on the real reason for the season.  Eric read from Luke 2, while the kids and my parents acted it out.  "Jospeh" might have been a bit silly this year.
Acting out nativity

It was a wonderful Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve pictures

I will be sharing our Christmas Day pictures tomorrow! 

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