Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday Five: BYU Bowl Game, Chorus, Fun With Grandparents

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!  Are you ready?  This time of year I always get so excited for Christmas to come, but then I dread it to as I know it will all soon be over.  I have been enjoying the week with my parents in town, so have not been around here much, but I did come back for Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. Alex had her chorus concert this week, she had a solo speaking part at the beginning and did awesome!  She spoke with inflection, remembered her whole part and just looked adorable doing it, if I say so myself.

2. My mom and I took advantage of my kids late Christmas break start, they went to school through Wednesday, and did lots of shopping.  I might not want Christmas to be over, but my bank account will probably be grateful.

3. My parents, Eric and I have been having fun playing card games at night when the kids are in bed. We always revert to our classic favorites Pinochle and Euchre, this trip has favored Eric and I as the winners.

4. Wednesday it was raining at school pick up time, so I left early so I could actually pick Lucas up in front of his school so he wouldn't have to wait outside for 30 minutes until the others got out, that put us further back in the line for the grade school.  When we came around to where the kids were waiting, I saw Alex with her big oversized umbrella with at least 10 kids standing under it.  She told me if she saw anyone without any umbrella she invited them under as she didn't want them to get wet.  Proud mama moment right there.

5. Wednesday was BYU Bowl's game in San Diego, it rained almost the entire game.  There were some covered seats and everyone crowded into them, our row was just into the rain.  Needless to say we were soaked.  After the first half we moved up a couple of sections to some empty seats that were covered, we should have moved a lot sooner.  But despite the rain and cold- the game was so much fun and BYU won so made it even sweeter.

5 Pictures
Chorus performance

Fun times with Grandpa

Silly faces in the car

Making cookies with granparents

BYU Bowl Game
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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