Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday Five: Christmas Parties, Fall Leaves and Lipstick

First the announcement that I know many are waiting for....

Congrats Shannon D. you won the two ticket's to David Archuleta's Costa Mesa show!  I just e-mailed you about your tickets.

If you did not win, there is still a chance to buy tickets before the show is sold out!  Buy your tickets here-

Now for Friday 5- sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1. Alex had her last soccer practice for the year!  It feels kind of good to say that... though we will be starting right up again January 4th and we will probably be taking her to a goalie training over Christmas break.. so never mind.

2.  The Living Nativity was this past week, as well as my husband's "unofficial" Christmas work party. Both were wonderful, for very different reasons, but it was a great weekend.

3. Since I was all caught up on photoshoots, I got some Christmas shopping done this week.  I may have brought a present or two for myself.  I have decided it is dangerous for me to have a whole day to shop!  On one of my shopping trips I bought a new shirt for myself.  I wore it yesterday and did my hair and makeup.  My hair was pretty simple, just a bit pulled back into a messy bun.  When I picked up the kids from school they questioned why I was "dressed-up" and where I went or was going- after all I was even wearing lipstick Lucas noted.   Apparently I don't dress up very much during the week.

4. It has really felt like fall here lately and the leaves are even falling off the tree.  Alex and Ryder had a lot of fun piling the leaves up and jumping into what really was a pretty small pile, but they loved it.

5.  Last night Lucas got inducted into the National Junior Honor's Society.  So proud of him!  Quite a few kids qualified, based on grades and citizenship, but then they had to apply and only 35 from each grade level got accepted.

5 Pictures 
No Bake Cookies
Making no-bake cookies

New glasses I am getting
Trying on new glasses-- these are the winner
My "Fancy" fall outfit
My "Fancy" outfit the kids questioned 
Junior National Honors Society Induction
National Junior Honors Society Induction
Playing in the Leaves
Playing in the leaves 

Do you have any fun weekend plans? 

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