Monday, December 12, 2016

The Reason For The Season

Every Christmas season I get this list of ideas of things I want to do or think I will do.  Then as it often does, life gets really busy and before we know it Christmas has come and gone.

I am so grateful for the Light The World campaign my church is doing, with 25 days of things you can do to try and live and be like the Savior was.

I love seeing how excited my kids are to find out what each new day is, wanting to try and live like Jesus did.

That is the meaning of the season.
Donating food

Last night I watched and photographed the Living Nativity that my church has done for the last six years.  It truly is am amazing production, and that moment when the wisemen come and bow down worshiping the baby Jesus, it gives me chills and hope and so much happiness.

There is true meaning to the season, all of the other stuff is just for fun.  Many often comments how this time of year people seem to be a little kinder,  give back a little more, and generally just a bit happier.  I believe it is because of the spirit of Christmas- or the spirit of Christ.    Even for those who don't believe in Christ- no one can argue that people trying to give back a little more, trying to be a little kinder can ever be a bad thing.

My kids have a week and a half of school left and then our Christmas break will start, a break in which I hope and plan to really be there for them and with them.  A break where I will try to be the 'fun mom'.  It isn't always easy, as it is easy to get busy and caught up in your own self- but that will never bring real happiness.

This Christmas season, join me by bringing a little more happiness, a little more kindness and charity- help me Light the World.

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