Monday, December 5, 2016

Tips For Stress Free Holidays

--This is a sponsored post- all feelings and opinions are my own--

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  The line from the familiar Christmas song will either make you smile in agreement or shudder with dread,  For some, the holidays means stress and anxiety, while others it is pure joy.

No matter how you feel about the holiday season, these tips can help make it a little easier.

  Whether it be decorations, the food, or presents- it is so easy to get caught up in wanting more and more, but just stop!  Stop and reflect on what you remember about Christmas and the holidays from your childhood.  It probably is the feelings, being with family, and the things you did that you remember.  You probably don't remember how fancy the decorations were or what presents you got, but the feelings and events.

 Say No
  There is so much that happens this time of year, from parties, performances, and a million other things, it is a busy time of year.  Sit down as a family and decide what things really matter to your family, what are your musts, and what things can probably be cut out.  It is okay at times to say no.  The Power of Moms has a great step-by-step guide to help you plan your Christmas focused on what matters most to you.

Plan Ahead
  Do you want to send out a Christmas cards?  Then December is not the time to be trying to get a family picture, trust me, I am a photographer-if you call me in December wanting pictures, there is a good chance my schedule will be full.

Take the pictures early and then you can wait for the sales on sites like Tiny Prints, and order your cards at a great price and can have them all ready to send out when the time comes.
christmas card
One of my favorite features on Tiny Prints is that you can upload your pictures and see your picture in the preview of all the cute cards as you search.  It makes it so much easier to eliminate and choose a card you really want.

Just Breath
 Things will not go exactly as planned, that is just life.  Just step back and realize it is okay.  Focus on the positive, the good things that did happen and occur.  Focus on what the season really means to you and the joyful moments of it... and if worse comes to worse, there will always be another Christmas next year.


  1. When we were a new couple we got stressed about which family event we were going to attend. Now we just have our own and it removes the headache. Great tips!

    1. Yes- I am all for Christmas day being our family, then other days around Christmas go see everyone

  2. I try to plan ahead whenever I can for all of the holidays. I'm such a procrastinator, though!

    1. Oh so easy to procrastinate! I always tell my husband I work really well under stress as I have to a lot since I put things off ;)

  3. Saying NO is huge! I definitely have to work on it.

  4. Every year I plan to plan ahead, but it never turns out that way. I'm a last minute shopper for sure. You'll always see me at the mall during the extended Christmas hours, haha! One year I'll break the curse.

  5. Great tips and post. I'm all about learning to do things with less stress and overwhelm.

  6. So many great tips! Keeping up my workouts is what keeps me sane this time of year haha and I need to get better about saying no as well. I'm so bad with that.
