Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday Five: Rain, Doctor, Panera Bread

Happy Friday everyone!  The rain has finally stopped here, at least for a few days and the weekend is supposed to be "nice".   Since it's Friday that means it's time for Friday 5!

Grab button for Emmy-Mom

5 Thoughts

1. Rain! Rain! Rain!  I think this could be in all of the my thoughts for the week as we had so much of it!  Even ended up having two indoor practices for Alex's team because of it.

2. That second indoor practice was at a new place with a field that is really too small for our team.  They were doing a shooting drill and the girls shooting were pretty dang close to the goal because of the size of the field- and well let's just say Alex had a Scott Sterling moment with our best striker on the team! (Ball right to the face) Thankfully and miraculously no blood was involved.

3. Yesterday I took Lucas to the doctor, he needed a boost in some of his immunizations before entering 7th grade... let's just say it has been a while since he has been to the doctor.  I was so so good at taking them all when they were little and getting the regular shots and checkups.. but once their shots were done, I kind of missed a few years of the annual check-up.  They all seemed to be doing fine and I didn't have any concerns so just never took them in.

4. I finally bit the bullet on something yesterday... something I have been thinking about doing for a while but didn't really want to do... it is going to be one of those things that could really change things for the better, or maybe it will be no big deal. I will post a picture as soon as it arrives.

5.  Wednesday we had our monthly girls night at Panera Bread, it is a diverse group of women of all ages but we always have so much fun coming together, visiting and talking.

5 Pictures
Eating the Alpahabet
The letter A- for eating the Alphabet 

working out

soccer team

rain drops on the windshield

1 comment:

  1. The rain has been so crazy, hasn't it? Fun, but rather inconvenient when you have to drive a lot.
