Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Years Kids Interview Questions

It's that time again!  Time for the New Years Kids Questions.  I love asking these questions to my kids every year to see how their answers change.  You could even ask these on their birthday, I just like doing it on the New Year so I remember to ask all three.

This year's answers are in Red, last years answers are in Blue. 

Name: Lucas
 Age: 12 11 
 Height: 5'4 1/2" 5' 2" 
 Shoe size: 8 1/2"  7 1/2 

What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Captin Crunch Berries  (Captain Crunch Berries) 
  Vegetable: Crinkle Cut Carrots (Cauliflower  
  Drink: Mountain Dew Pitch Black Rootbeer 
  Toy: iPhone Carmel (his stuffed dog) 
  TV Show: Tricked How do they Do It 
  Thing to do: Play Video Games Play Minecraft 
  Game: Minecraft Sorry 
  Book: Percy Jackson The Percy Jackson series  
  Restaurant: Five Guys In & Out
  Place to go: Mimi's and Poppie's house Knotts Berry Farm 

If you could change your name what would you change it to: Lukas Bobby 
What is something mommy says: Turn the computer off Turn Your Game off  
What do you want to be when you grow up: A millionaire- I don't know, A Scientist Something space related 
What are you going to do different this year than last: eat healthier be cooler  
Who are your friends? Steven and Ryan and Radi  Steven, Henry and Mateo- those are my best friends from school  
What is one wish for the New Year? That the world won't end this year  That I will be a billionaire 
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it? I really don't know, I don't have $100 so I don't know  trade it for a million/billion/trillion dollars  
What are you afraid of? nothing, except for roller coasters  the dark 

Name: Alexandria
 Age: 10  9
 Height: 4' 11 1/2"  4' 9" 
 Shoe size:  7 Wide  4 1/2

 What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios Rasian Bran 
  Vegetable: Corn Broccoli  
  Drink: Rootbeer Root beer and fizzy cider  
  Toy: American Girl Doll Stella (a stuffed dog) 
  TV Show: Studio C "Can I just pick a movie?  Star Wars" 
  Thing to do: Acting and Singing I like to do art 
  Game: That's a hard one, I don't know what games I like Sorry 
  Book: The Missing Series any kind of mystery book 
  Restaurant: In-N-Out Farrells  
  Place to go: home  home and school 

If you could change your name what would you change it to: I wouldn't change it- but if I had to I would change it to Alexandra  I would just keep it the same 
What is something mommy says: Go clean your room go to your room  (while giggling) 
What do you want to be when you grow up: a teacher a teacher 
What are you going to do different this year than last: draw more going to learn new things at school 
Who are your friends? Scarlett  Scarlett and Prohbleen 
What is one wish for the New Year? that no one will have to go to the emergency room again  that the drought will end this year
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it? save it for something first I would pay tithing, then I would just spend it on whatever I wanted
What are you afraid of? spiders and bees spiders and bees  

Name: Ryder 
 Age: 6 1/2  5 1/2 
 Height:  3' 10 1/2"  3' 8 1/2"  
 Shoe size: 12 1/2 11 1/2 

 What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Pops  
  Vegetable: Broccoli Broccoli  
  Drink: Rootbeer Rootbeer 
  Toy: All of my toys are my favorite Greyy (his stuffed dog)
  TV Show: Tricked  "This is a hard one, Mighty Machines" 
  Thing to do: Play Play 
  Game: Minecraft Tag 
  Book: Ducks Vacation The Cow Loves Cookies  
  Restaurant: Five Guys Five Guys  
  Place to go: Theme Parks Knotts Berry Farm 

If you could change your name what would you change it to: Ride  I don't know  
What is something mommy says: Do Your Homework  Let's go to Krispy Kremes on Yes Day 
What do you want to be when you grow up: A fireman a firefighter  
What are you going to do different this year than last: Do less screen time  hmmm? 
Who are your friends? Jack, Eternal, Elijah, Kyle  Jack  
What is one wish for the New Year? That no one gets hurt  Getting the toys I want  
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it?  Buy stuff  Buy everything I wanted 
What are you afraid of? Snakes  uh-nothing 

Some new different answers this year- and a lot of the same answers, always fun to see. 

Feel free to copy this list to ask your own kids. 

 Shoe size:

What is your Favorite:
  TV Show: 
  Thing to do:
  Place to go: 

If you could change your name what would you change it to: 
What is something mommy says: 
What do you want to be when you grow up: 
What are you going to do different this year than last: 
Who are your friends? 
What is one wish for the New Year? 
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it?  
What are you afraid of? 

See the past years lists here

Christmas Eve Pajamas
This Year's Christmas Eve Picture

Last year's Christmas Eve Picture


  1. This is such a cute idea! I loved how you compared answers to last year, too. So sweet!

  2. What a cute, fun tradition! A few of those made me giggle. :) Happy New Year to you and your cute family!!
