Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About This Month: A New Year

For several years now, since 2009 actually, I have done a monthly post called Ten Things to Smile About this month.  I began it after a really hard month where I just needed to find something to smile about.   The last Tuesday of each month I share 10 things that made me smile and would love for you to join with me.

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10 Things to Smile About in January

1. A new year and the hopes, fresh starts and restarting resolutions that come with it.

2. Having family in town a few more days at the beginning of the New Year, it is always great when family visits.

3. Eating the Alphabet!  Eric and I started a fun date night- eating at restaurants beginning with the letter A all the way to the Z.
Eating the Alpahabet

4. Finding something new and creative to do with my kids-- we really did love this so much!

5. The kids going back to school-- as much fun as break is, good to be back into the routine of things

6. Getting back to working out!  I used to work out 3 days a week and run 5 miles every Saturday.. it has been years since I last did, but I am back to it (the workout not the running yet)
working out

7. Rain!  We have had so much of it this month-- which we truly need.

8. Pictures like this-- even if it wasn't what I had in mind at all
mother and kids

9. Watching my daughter's hard work pay off as her skills at goalie continue to improve and get better.
Indoor Soccer

10.  This view and seeing this view on a 70 degree day while we walk to the park.
So Cal Snow Capped Mountains

What made you smile this month?  Linky will be open for two weeks, so plenty of time to join.


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