Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Best Instagram Pictures from January and A Winner

It's February!  How can it be February all ready!  The month seemed to go slowly, yet it flew by as it is over already!   This year I am trying to actually do something with my pictures, rather than let them live on my computer, so at the end of every month, I am going through my pictures and starting a photo book that I will then print at the end of the year.   If I wait until the end of the year to do it, I know it will never happen.

Today, as I am going through pictures, I decided to share the top ten most liked pictures from Instagram for January-- and right after that I will be announcing the winner for the Hotel-stay giveaway.

Family night with icecream
Egg and a hat
Snow capped mountains in socal
shopping at Target
couple picture
Red head in hat
snow day
helping at the grocery store
Selfie with mom
Santa Monica Beach

Now for the winner! I put the got the qualifying entries and used to pick a winning number and the winner is KellyR78 with a follow on Instagram.
Congrats Kelly!  


  1. Thank you very much, I am so excited to have won!

  2. You did a great job, photos look great. But they can really look better thanks to tools that offer.
