Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday 5: Soccer, Newborn, 6th Grade Camp

Friday!  And a new month, I have a feeling this year might go by rather quickly, time just seems to do that more and more lately.  Sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1. Ryder started soccer again on Saturday. He has wanted to for a while, but I just wasn't sure how I would work it during the week, so when we found a league that is Saturday only- I was all for it.  He loved it and looked great and even got the sportsmanship medal for the week!  Proud mama.

2. Alex had two games this weekend and played amazing at keeper, even getting off her feet and jumping to save a few.  The goal really is so much bigger than she is.

3. I have been watching some newborn videos I purchased this week in preparation for the twin girls I am photographing next week!  So so excited!  Always trying to learn more and get better.

4. Lucas went to 6th grade camp this week.  It is so strange not having him around.  Ryder had to come with me to Alex's soccer practice, but he got lucky since it was a week that the coach brought donuts and he got one too.

5. This weekend Alex starts State Cup for soccer-- it will be exciting!  Here's hoping they play strong.

5 Pictures
soccer in SoCal
Beautiful day and view for soccer
i9 sports

why to have three kids
Siblings working together unloading the dishes
girl scout cookies
Girl scout cookies!  Yum!
Bad habits


  1. I just signed my son up for soccer this year! He was so excited when I asked him if he wanted to join this year. How awesome that Ryder got a sportmanship medal! Sounds like you've had a wonderful week so far!

    1. Hope he loves it! Watching little kids play soccer is always entertaining :)
