Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Five: Lego Batman, End of School, Flat Tire

Thank goodness for Friday 5, as lately it is the one thing that is keeping me blogging.  Between a long weekend of no school, many photo shoots and life, I have not had time to blog.  But I am here to recap the week with 5 thoughts and 5 pictures.

I will also be here next Tuesday for my favorite post of the month, 10 Things to Smile About this Month.  Make sure to join me for that.

5 Thoughts

1. This is something I do plan on blogging about, but I was reminded that faith without works is dead.. we need to not only pray and ask for help but do our part and what we can and things will work out in the end.

2. On Saturday we saw the Lego Batman movie.  The kids all loved it and I really liked it too-- I think the opening credits might have been one of my favorite parts, you just have to see it to know what I mean.

3. Alex only had soccer practice once this week, thanks to the rain, and I will admit I did not mind having a night off.

4. The final trimester just began for my kids.. this school year really is going to be over before we know it, then summer always goes fast of course... time just seems to fly lately.

5. I got my 5th (or 6th-- I can't remember for sure) flat tire since I have been driving.  I am yet to change a flat tire, and thankfully this one was just a very slow leak.. but still, enough already!

5 Pictures
Lego Batman movie


tire store

Silly faces in mirror

Newborn twin girls
From one of my recent newborn shoots

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