Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday Five: State Cup, Twin Girls, Muffins

It's Friday! Anyone else ready for the weekend?  Recapping the week with 5 thoughts and 5 pictures

5 Thoughts

1. Alex had State Cup soccer this weekend.  They tied two and lost one, so that is the end of that.  It was a fun but kind of weird weekend all around. The weather, her games were down near San Diego, was perfect though for Soccer.  Spring League will be starting up here soon, it never ends.

2. I had a newborn shoot this week, twin girls!  At the end of the my shoots I often feel this let down, like did I get all the pictures I wanted, I always have been able to provide a great gallery, but I am always wanting to a do a little better, improve a little more.

3. We will be having our fancy family Valentine's Dinner on Saturday.  Tuesday both Lucas and Alex have things in the evening and there just won't be time, so Saturday night it is.

4. Had a totally fun girls night at Panera Bread.  It is a monthly night with women from church, and we always have a wonderful time visiting, lots of laughs, great conversation and just tons of fun.

5. This week was also with Muffins with Moms, fun little event the PTA does, they also do a Donuts with Dad.  One of my friends keeps trying to convince me to come be part of the PTA, I tell her technically I am, I paid my dollar for my membership, I would rather just help in the classrooms.

5 Pictures
Strike a pose

State Cup Soccer Game

Girls night

Muffins with mom

newborn twin girls