Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday Five: Valentines Day, Soccer, a Gala

My kids have no school today, so I took full advantage and slept in and so now just getting my Friday 5 up.  Every Friday I use 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1.  We had a fun weekend, starting on Friday night when Eric I went out for not only our Valentine Dinner but for the next letter in eating the Alphabet.  It was a yummy dinner and the fries which had duck, mozzarella cheese and gravy on them (sounds weird I know) were to die for and the best part of the meal.

2. Then Saturday we did our fancy family Valentine's Dinner.  Sunday night we fed the missionaries and then the rest of the week was full of soccer.

3. Alex had her last indoor game of the season, they won 9-7 it was an awesome high paced game as indoor games always are.

4. Tuesday I helped in Ryder's class for their Valentine's Day centers, I have become the designated photographer for class events, which I don't mind as that means I always get a spot even if a lot of other parents sign up.

5. Last night we went to a fundraiser Gala for a local children's hospital.  Always fun getting dressed up and helping with a good cause.  The food was really yummy (at $1,000 a plate you sure hope so), and the entertainment was awesome.  William Close was there preforming on his Earth harp, so fascinating to watch.

5 Pictures
soccer Saturday

pretty sunrise

Helping at the grocery store

Valentines Day flowers
All dressed up

What are your weekend plans?