Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

The last Tuesday of the month I look back and find 10 things that made me smile.  I have found this is even more important to do on those months that just seem really hard, as there is always something worth smiling about.

Ten Things to Smile About in February

1. Ryder is loving his soccer team and playing really well, even if they lose every game.  He was the first player of the week!
i9 sports

2. Valnetines Day and our Fancy Family Dinner!
Fancy Dinner

3. Girl Scout cookies.. as well they just make you smile
girl scout cookies

4.  This picture of Ryder-- just makes me laugh, he totally posed like that on his own
Strike a pose

5. Lots of cute newborns in the studio this month!
newborn photoshoot

6. Having a husband who is there and supports me and works his butt off taking care of his family

7. Getting all dressed up for a charity event
All dressed up

8. Speaking of soccer-- this picture of Alex at State cup always makes me smile too
State Cup Soccer Game

9. Having my faith to rely on and utilize in hard times.

10. Being part of a community and city we love
Helping at the grocery store

What made you smile this month?


  1. My nephew plays flag football through I9. That's a good organization. I like how it's really geared for kids that just want to play and learn to be part of a team.

