Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Birthday Post

Today is a special day in our house, it's my husband's birthday!  He is quickly approaching 40, not quite there yet though.  It is crazy to think that I have known him now for over 16 years.  I think about when I first met him, so cute but way too tall but how very quickly the height didn't seem like that big of an issue.

He really is my best friend.  We love watching shows together, playing games and going out to eat.  Really we just like being together.

He works to hard to provide for our family.

He is an amazing father who truly loves our kids and is there for them.
father and son

He helps me stay calm and level headed at times when I want to freak out about things.

He makes me smile and laugh.
husband and wife

He understands me and is there for me.

He loves God and is doing his best to follow Him.
father and daugther

He cleans up after us, often cleaning messes he didn't make, and has cleaned the bathrooms our entire marriage.

He is patient, he has a big laugh and he just lights up a room.
father and son

To my husband, my best friend, I love you, happy birthday!
husband and wife pose


  1. This is such a sweet post ♥ Happy birthday to your husband!

  2. This post was so sweet! I hope he had a great birthday!
