Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About

Join me the last Tuesday of every month to look back over the month and find 10 things that made you smile.

10 Things to Smile About in March

1. Celebrating my husband's birthday
birthday cake

2. My kids are all doing great in school
awards assembly

3. Spring flowers

4. Cute 1st grade performances
1st grade performance

5. Continuing to "eat the alphabet" - best date idea ever!

6. Watching my kids learn and grow and do some awesome things
ferris wheel

7. Spring break and the fun we had
Picnic in park

8. Donuts- as come on- they are donuts!

9. Having time to sit and read several great books

10. Girls night-- watching an amazing Women's session of Conference then going out to dinner
Girls night

What made you smile this month?


  1. The sushi and doughnuts looks amazing! That's great the kids are doing well in school! So much to be happy about. :)

  2. Always find delicious sushi pictures on your blog! Mhmm good. I am absolutely floored by how grown up all three of your kids have become. WOW! I bet you are so proud of them.

    1. Yes, we do like sushi :) I know, they are getting so big it is crazy!
