Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday Five: Soccer, Time Out For Women, In-laws

Happy Easter everyone!  Today on this Good Friday, I am definitely stopping to think what I am grateful for.  

5 Thoughts

1. This week was a very different one as there was an indoor soccer game during the week but no soccer practice; I must admit it was kind of nice to have a week mostly off.

2. This week they had a muffins with moms at the middle school.  I was able to go into the classrooms for a bit, then they had a presentation for the moms about talking with middle schoolers-- as well let's be honest- middle schoolers seem to be their own species, and then had the muffins.  It was a lot of fun and I am glad I was able to go.

3. Finally got our Easter shopping finished last night, the last few things will be delivered on Saturday. I love Amazon Prime.

4. My in-laws came to visit this week. I love when they come.  Alex and Mimi have already baked pies, they made dinner and Poppie made some fun videos with the kids.

5. I have a newborn shoot tomorrow. I don't usually do newborns on Saturday.. and now with family in town, will be having to kick everyone out for a few hours.  It is a little girl though, so that makes me happy as I always seem to have more boys!

5 Pictures
friends at Time Out for Women

Making strawberry pie

Muffins with mom

Neighborhood birthday party
Dog Haus

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