Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday Five: Triple Booked, State Testing and Pictures

Happy Friday everyone!  Sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1. It's State Testing week at my kids school.  I know some people choose to opt out of it, and some hate it, but I don't really think it is that big of a deal and my kids don't seem to stress about it, so I am good with it.

2. I helped out at the book fair at the middle school this week.  As I was talking with some of the other moms, it made me realize how out of the middle school loop I am.  Like the fact that I didn't even realize we were going to be getting a new principle next year...

3. Wednesday night I ended up being tripled booked with things.. and Eric was out of town, so in the end soccer won out.  I need two of me.

4. I am taking my nieces Senior pictures this weekend, I can't believe she is graduating!  Time goes so fast.

5. Last night I discovered my kids picture in a city magazine.  The picture was from a couple of years ago when they were helping with a food drive, was definitely surprised to see it though.

5 Pictures
Newborn photoshoot

picture in magazine

selfie with glasses

doing homework

strawberry shortcake

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